Due to a problem with our cache system, when you finish paying, you have to wait a few minutes for the cache system to refresh and automatically record the file data for you.

If the problem is still not resolved, please contact me. I will solve your problem manually.
I use GMT +7 time zone. Please give me maximum 12 hours. Please give me the opportunity to assist you.
Best regards

Download WoodMart 7.4.3 NULL❤️⚡ - Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme + Themeforest 20264492​

Update version 7.4.3

  • FIXED: Checkout fields manager conflict with WooCommerce Version 8.5.0. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Drilldown back button. (Topic)
  • FIXED: AJAX product tabs spacing issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Single product image with Photoswipe issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: PHP notices. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Sticky container option in RTL. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Result count element update after load more products. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Add custom field option in edit product page. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Updating url after use PhotoSwipe gallery. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Notices with WooCommerce 8.5.0. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Show single variation with draft product status issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: “View details” button in “Quick view”. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Product labels visibility in carousel with “Lazy loading” enabled in Safari browser. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Carousel overflow issue in Safari browser (Topic)
09-01-2024 – Update version 7.4.2

  • FIXED: Mobile navigation console error. (Topic)
  • FIXED: WPML Languages header builder element. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Enqueue Swiper carousel script issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Single product swatches variations issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Header background overlay option conflicts with header banner style issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Background gradient control in WPBakery page builder.
  • FIXED: Login to see add to cart and prices with Woodmart layout issue.
04-01-2024 – Update version 7.4.1

  • FIXED: The change of the url address after initiating the product gallery on the single product page. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Checkout page with predefined layouts. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Price filter widget with “Extra product options For WooCommerce” plugin enabled. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Product swatches on quick view. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Slider animation.
  • FIXED: Product loop issue.
  • FIXED: Grid on mobile devices.
02-01-2024 – Update version 7.4

  • NEW VERSION: Plants
  • NEW FEATURE: Checkout fields manager. (Screenshot)
  • NEW FEATURE: Layout “Drilldown” to “Mobile menu” in header builder. (Video)
  • NEW FEATURE: Owl Carousel, Slick, and Flickity jQuery carousel plugins were replaced and unified with one Swiper carousel.
  • ADDED: Options for all element with carousel. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Auto height” option for carousel settings. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Center mode” option for carousel settings. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Arrows position” option for carousel settings. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Hide pagination control” responsive control for carousel settings. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Dynamic pagination control” option for carousel settings. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Hide Scrollbar” option for carousel settings. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Synchronization” option for carousel settings. (Video)
  • ADDED: Ability to show half of the next carousel item. (Video)
  • ADDED: Carousel arrow style options in theme settings. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Carousel pagination style options in theme settings. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Carousel scrollbar style options in theme settings. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Gallery gap” option for “Single product image gallery”. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Thumbnails per slide: auto” option for “Single product image gallery”. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Thumbnails position bottom in mobile devices” option for “Single product image gallery” layout “Thumbnails left”. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Thumbnails gallery width” option for “Single product image gallery” layout “Thumbnails left”. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Thumbnails gallery height” option for “Single product image gallery” layout “Thumbnails left”. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Column selector” control and “Center mode” option to Gallery layout “Carousel”. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Arrows color scheme” option for “Slider” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Pagination color scheme” option for “Slider” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Arrows custom style” option for “Slider” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Pagination custom style” option for “Slider” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Space between” responsive control.
  • ADDED: “Grid items with different sizes” option for “Product categories” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Pagination arrows position” option for “Products (grid or carousel)” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Disable links” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Space between” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Padding” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Alignment” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “With background” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Image height” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Image width” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Design option” tab for “Testimonials” element on “WPBakery Page Builder”. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Display grid” option for “Pricing tables” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Space between” option for “Pricing tables” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Content width” option for “Instagram” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Color Scheme” option for “Instagram” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Text color” option for “Instagram” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Background color” option for “Instagram” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Typography” option for “Instagram” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Design option” tab for “Blog” element on “WPBakery Page Builder”. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: New style “Simple” to element “Countdown timer”. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Styles option to “Product countdown” element on layouts. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Support of Elementor experimental feature “Inline Font Icons” in elements: “List”, “Popup”,”Button”, “Tabs”, “AJAX Products Tabs”, “Accordion”, “Marquee”.
  • ADDED: New option “Submenu opening action” for mobile menu. (Video)
  • ADDED: New option “Popup padding” for promo popup. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: New option “Dropdown paddings” for dropdown menu items. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Tablet and mobile controls for “Scrolling speed” option in “Marquee” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Hide “Sort by” and hide “Price filter” widgets options for shop filters section on Theme Settings. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Sticky container” option on Elementor. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Styles to WooCommerce block-related notices.
  • ADDED: “woodmart_get_standard_fonts” filter.
  • ADDED: Quantities option for dynamic discounts. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Duplicate post action for HTML Blocks. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Duplicate post action for Layouts. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Duplicate post action for slides on edit slider page. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Show SKU on Thank you page. (Screenshot)
  • CSS: Refactored grid system on elements.
  • CSS: Refactored carousel on elements.
  • CSS: Refactored “Quick view” option.
  • CSS: Refactored “Ajax product tabs” element.
  • CSS: Refactored “Brands” element.
  • CSS: Refactored “Slider” element.
  • CSS: Refactored “Instagram” element.
  • CSS: Refactored “Images gallery” element.
  • CSS: Refactored “Single product image gallery”.
  • CSS: Refactored “Sticky off canvas sidebar button” element in Layouts.
  • CSS: Refactored “Countdown timer” element.
  • CSS: Refactored Blog loop styles “Flat” and “With background”.
  • CSS: Refactored Blog loop format “Quote” styles.
  • CSS: Refactored “Font Awesome 5” library in “Dokan” plugin.
  • CSS: Refactored carousel styles in “YITH Woocommerce Compare” plugin.
  • FIXED: Patches counter updating.
  • FIXED: Simple dropdown sub-menus position with sticky header.
  • FIXED: Frequently bought together product styles: “Bordered grid”, “Products background”, “Products shadow”.
  • FIXED: Marque element on mobile devices. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Renamed “Twitter” related options and elements to “X”.
  • FIXED: Action button border-radius on “Video” element. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Error in processing coordinates for Google map and Open street map elements. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Bordered grid Outside options with product categories on shop archive page. (Topic)
  • FIXED: PHP error in Wishlist. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Active filters scrollbar on mobile devices. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Fixed “Stripe” plugin payment form styles with “Updated checkout experience” option enabled. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro cart page remove product button on iOS devices. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Quick view in related product issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Sticky navigation dropdown with full height design on tablet devices. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Swatches variations on reset action. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Enqueue styles for Wc Product Widgets element. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Removed strong tag from HTML Block shortcode text on backend. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Image hotspot element with validator issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Layared nav widget dropdown layout on movile devices. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Performance bug with wishlist. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Wishlist promotional emails. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Single product breadcrumb on mobile devices with layout builder. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Dynamic discount rules can be specified for one product item. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Dynamic discounts table can be rewritten in the child theme.
  • FIXED: Full-height dropdown with RTL. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Display of the message that no products were found for the on sale filter in the WOODMART Stock status widget. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Product dynamic discounts table element when option ‘Show discounts table’ is disabled. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Render dynamic discounts table if the product has no price.
  • FIXED: Wishlists permalinks in admin panel. (Topic)
  • FIXED: PHP errors. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Show single variation with wishlist issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Social login issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Promo popup element with WPBakery Page Builder issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Output wishlist products with “out of stock” product issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: The translation of html tags in the Information box shortcode. (Topic)
  • FIXED: “Update cart item” ajax action after cleaning the basket.(Topic)
  • IMPROVED: “White lable” option with WPBakery elements.
  • IMPROVED: Links created via onClick event replaced with regular link tags in Infobox, Banner, Slider and Menu price elements.
  • IMPROVED: Elementor prebuild websites import using “Flexbox container” element.
  • REMOVED: Deprecated function ‘get_page_by_title’.
  • DEPRECATED: “Icon name (from FontAwesome 5 set)” menu option for Elementor builder.
  • DEPRECATED: “Font Awesome library” for Elementor builder.
  • REFACTORED: Core PHP classes of the theme to improve their readability and optimization.
  • REFACTORED: Added namespaces for the theme’s main PHP classes, which helps to better organize and avoid name conflicts.
  • REFACTORED: PHP code was formatted to improve readability and standardize the programming style.
  • UPDATED: Google fonts list
  • Like
Reactions: evilhack77

Download WoodMart version 7.3.2 Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme + Themeforest 20264492​

04-10-2023 – Update version 7.3.2

  • FIXED: Dynamic discount table for non-logged in users.
  • FIXED: Typography settings. (Topic)
  • FIXED: WoodMart Author Information widget issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Output HTML-Block content without builder issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Image zoom in single product page issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Login user issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Enqueue css with Elementor builder. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Performance bug with custom image size. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Frequently bought together with tax price issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Elementor “Container” padding option with “Container stretch” option enabled.
  • FIXED: Mobile menu sub-menu opener with HTML-block sub-menu.
  • UPDATE: WooCommerce template.
07-09-2023 – Update version 7.3.1

  • FIXED: Checkout column layout issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Hover on product “Show summary on hover” issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: PHP errors.
05-09-2023 – Update version 7.3

  • NEW VERSION: Furniture 2
  • NEW VERSION: Games
  • NEW VERSION: Games Dark
  • NEW FEATURE: Dynamic discounts. (Docs)
  • NEW FEATURE: Product sold counter. (Docs)
  • ADDED: “Video” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Marquee” element. (Video, Demo)
  • ADDED: “Nested carousel” element. (Video)
  • ADDED: New product hover “Buttons on hover”. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Product category style “Zoom out”. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: New blog design “List”. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: New style “Primary” to “Social buttons” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Shape “Rounded” to “Social buttons” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: New “Search” element form style. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Show HTML Blocks” option to “Mobile menu” header element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: New “One column” layout to header row options. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Custom social links to “Social buttons” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Design “Simple” to mega menu element with vertical orientation. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Icon alignment option to mega menu element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Star rating to “Icons and add to cart on hover” product loop design. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Background image option for “Infobox” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Icon spacing option to “Infobox” element in WPBakery, Elementor and Header builder. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: The ability to choose a custom icon to “Visitor counter” element in Layouts. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Layout “Inline” to “Product additional information table” element in Layouts. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Hide image” and “Hide name” option to “Product additional information table” element in Layouts. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Video background in “Promo Banner” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Video in “Image Hotspot” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Icon color selection in “Image Hotspot” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Icon on hover option to “Image Hotspot” element. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Categories rounding” option in theme settings. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Blog options in theme settings: “Title for posts”, “Meta information”, “Post text”, “Read more button”. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Single product gallery combined grid layout “2:3:2” and “1:2”. (Screenshot, Video)
  • ADDED: Option to selection of the number of thumbnails in single product gallery grid from 1 to 6. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Option to change gap between thumbnails in single product gallery grid. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Option to disable carousel on mobile devices on single product gallery grid. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: rel=”nofollow” attribute for stock status widget. (Topic)
  • ADDED: Show reviews count on product loop. (Video)
  • ADDED: Delete outdated Instagram images option. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Save compare button state after adding in compare list.
  • ADDED: “Apply all” button for patcher page. (Screenshot, Topic)
  • ADDED: “Load text domain” option in Theme settings.
  • ADDED: “Show stock quantity” option for product grid. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Quantity buttons to “On variation click” quick shop type. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Responsive thumbnails per slide with thumbnails position left. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Product archive “Filtered by stock status” condition. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Show checkboxes” option to “Woodmart WooCommerce Layered Nav” widget. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Helper tooltip with icon unicode to the Typography -> Icon Fonts section in Theme Settings. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Heading background” option for “Tabs” and “AJAX Products tabs” elements. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Form height” option for “AJAX search” element and header search. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Discord messenger follow button to “Social button” element. (Screenshot)
  • CSS: Refactored product hover styles.
  • CSS: Refactored “Infobox” element styles.
  • CSS: Refactored single product gallery grid.
  • CSS: Refactored styles on cart and checkout pages.
  • CSS: Refactored Heading in “Tabs” and “AJAX Products tabs” elements.
  • FIXED: Product archive background option.
  • FIXED: Limit swatches with linked product variation.
  • FIXED: “Infobox Carousel” element bottom space in WPBakery page builder.
  • FIXED: Age verify popup closing on mobile. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Collapsible content with disabled “Optimized DOM output” option. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Header banner link z-index with HTML-block content. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Woodmart dashboard header for users with non-admin role. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Menu item label in main header navigation. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Change product image on attribute click with quick shop on variation click.
  • FIXED: Init open street map in popup element.
  • FIXED: List element translates with WPML.
  • FIXED: Render multiple markers content in google map element. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Duplicate WooCommerce structured data generation. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Output content in section title element issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Scrolling issue with “YITH Frontend Manager for WooCommerce”. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Scrolling issue with “MultivendorX”.
  • FIXED: Related products add to cart button icon on single product page. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Load Instagram image with API connect issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Enqueue compare icon style in header builder issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Frequently bought together products with 100% discount issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Show single variation with draft product variation issue. (Topic, Topic)
  • FIXED: WPML config file.
  • FIXED: Cart and checkout pages styles on Elementor Pro.
  • FIXED: Header banner with boxed side width wrapper. (Topic)
  • FIXED: My account navigation styles on Elementor Pro. (Topic)
  • FIXED: “YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote” plugin enqueue style issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: “Show summary on hover” product hover with product rating issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Instagram duplication images issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Vertical image gallery in single product issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Output extra description for product category issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: PHP errors in admin panel. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Elementor accordion widget. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Widget cart enqueue script issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: AJAX shop issue.
  • FIXED: “WooCommerce Payments” plugin button position.
  • FIXED: WooCommerce hook element is empty with WPBakery Page Builder issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Compare and wishlist added products issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Linked Variations with variable product when some product has not linked attribute. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Show single variation with related products. (Topic)
  • FIXED: “Products view” element with WPBakery page builder. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Update wishlist table in database issue. (Topic)
  • IMPROVED: Output images with custom sizes for elements.
  • UPDATED: Google fonts list.

Download WoodMart - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme Null Free + Themeforest 20264492​

17-02-2023 – Update version 7.1.3

  • FIXED: Quantity in mini cart with Tiered Price Table for WooCommerce plugin.
  • FIXED: Add to cart button on product hovers.
  • FIXED: Errors in Video player element for WP Bakery page builder.
  • FIXED: Breeze plugin compatibility with header builder.
  • FIXED: Translation for reviews pros/cons.
  • FIXED: Mobile search element in mobile header. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Attachment image theme with white label option. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Smooth scroll for button element in header builder. (Topic)
15-02-2023 – Update version 7.1.2

  • ADDED: Nonce validation for the license form.
  • FIXED: Product loop button sizes.
  • FIXED: Sticky navigation with sticky header in boxed site width.
  • FIXED: Sticky navigation with full-width search in boxed site width.
  • FIXED: Elementor Data Updater issue. (Topic)
  • UPDATE: WooCommerce template.
  • DEV: Added filter “woodmart_option” for theme settings options.
14-02-2023 – Update version 7.1.1

  • IMPORTANT: Security issue fixed. Please, update the theme to secure your website.
13-02-2023 – Update version 7.1.0

  • NEW VERSION: Mega Electronics
  • NEW FEATURE: Sticky navigation. (Video)
  • NEW FEATURE: Product reviews new fields, filters and sorting. (Screenshot)
  • NEW FEATURE: Single product gallery video. (Video)
  • NEW FEATURE: Product gallery on product loop. (Video)
  • NEW FEATURE: Manage product cart content on checkout page. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: New custom shop page #14. (Demo)
  • ADDED: New custom product page #12. (Demo)
  • ADDED: Three icons fonts with different font weight (Video)
  • ADDED: Pagination in single product main gallery option. (Video)
  • ADDED: New product labels style. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: New stock status style. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Background overlay” option to “Main menu”, “Menu”, “Account” and “Categories” header elements. (Screenshot) (Video)
  • ADDED: “Full height” design for navigation dropdowns. (Screenshot) (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Enable scroll” option to “Full-width” and “Set sizes” dropdown designs. (Screenshot) (Video)
  • ADDED: “Stretch section with CSS” option for “Row” and “Section” elements in WPBakery. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: New product review style. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Product review “Pros and cons” option. (Video)
  • ADDED: Reviews “Form location” option. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Reviews columns” option. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Review summary statistics panel. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Rating by criteria” options. (Video)
  • ADDED: Review “Likes” option. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Verified owner” badge option. (Video)
  • ADDED: Reviews sorting option. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Filter reviews by images” option. (Video)
  • ADDED: New “Search” element form style. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Form shape option for “Search” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Product category selector styles for “Search” element: “Default”, “Bordered”, “Separated”. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Thumbnails per slide in single product gallery. (Video)
  • ADDED: Title options to “Product additional information table” element. (Screenshot) (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Attribute name and term typography options to “Product additional information table” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Data source option to “Product additional information table” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Product loop background options in Theme Settings and product related elements. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Product loop shadow option in Theme Settings and product related elements. (Video)
  • ADDED: Product loop color-scheme option in Theme Settings and product related elements. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Table” element. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Product stock status” element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Open street map” element. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Multiple markers” option to Google map element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Countdown timer” option to Promo banner element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Access key for maintenance mode. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Preset by user role. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Product image” option on the checkout page order review table. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Quantity” option on the checkout page order review table. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Remove button” option on the checkout page order review table. (Video)
  • ADDED: “Link to product” option on the checkout page order review table. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Clients wishlist overview page. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Custom CSS for admin dashboard. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Style option “Background” for Header “Main menu” & “Menu” elements. (Screenshot) (Video)
  • ADDED: Show\Hide password characters button for login and register forms on “My account” page. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Hide top and bottom border” for Accordion element with “Default” style. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Extra product options For WooCommerce” plugin support. (Link)
  • ADDED: “WooCommerce Payments” plugin support. (Link)
  • ADDED: “PayPal Payments” plugin support. (Link)
  • ADDED: “Klarna Payments” plugin support. (Link)
  • ADDED: “Klarna Checkout” plugin support. (Link)
  • ADDED: New icon designs for the next header builder elements: Account, Wishlist, Compare, Cart, Main menu, Search, Mobile menu. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Sticky navigation” element to the header builder. (Screenshot) (Video)
  • ADDED: “Background wrap type” option for several icon designs with the background. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: New slider pagination style. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Slider pagination horizontal alignment option. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Typography for default button and accent button. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Ability to change typography and colors for all buttons. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Video” element play button size option in WPBakery. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Change product image on attribute click. (Screenshot, Video)
  • ADDED: Vertical alignment image option to information box element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Ability to upload an image to button element. (Screenshot)(Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Custom typography to button element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Custom color to button element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Hide countdown timer element on finish time. (Video)
  • FIXED: Linked Variations on the product page. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Title typography in “Product Categories” element. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Add to cart button on responsive in product hover style “Quick”. (Topic)
  • FIXED: “Disabled swatch style” with lazy-loading. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Product thumbnail border-radius at mobile cart. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Advanced typography for Product title at mobile grid. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Product swatches styles on iOS devices. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Product visitors counter issue. (Topic, Topic)
  • FIXED: Widgets editor with Gutenberg editor. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Send on sales products issue. (Topic, Topic)
  • FIXED: Image hotspot element without product. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Stock status product in product grid issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: WooCommerce notices in checkout page. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Show empty product category in size guide editor. (Topic)
  • FIXED: W3C errors with full screen search. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Output variation products on wishlist page. (Topic, Topic)
  • FIXED: Changed title tag in Recent Posts widget. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Autoload for theme settings backup option. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Full-width row spacing in the Opera browser. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Product gallery with Elementor Pro. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Brand image swatches size.
  • FIXED: Background “Inherit” option in Woodmart Slider.
  • FIXED: Header menus elements with “Display inline” option. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Sticky header clone fade down animation. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Price advanced typography selectors. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Product swatches with Firefox browser issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Google map element notice. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Blog element issue. (Topic)(Topic)
  • FIXED: Swatches variation issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: WP Rocket excluded pages issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Frequently bought together with WOOCS – WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin calculation issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Wave Validator errors. (Topic)
  • FIXED: WooCommerce export products issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Portfolio pagination issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Checkout payment with WoodMart Layouts. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Elementor Data Updater issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: HTML dropdown with AJAX issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Sanitize URL in slider link.
  • FIXED: WooCommerce hooks elements with WoodMart Layouts. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Variation out of stock in product grid issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Include product sale price in Frequently bought together total.
  • FIXED: Product image size with archive products element. (Topic)
  • FIXED: “Screen options” display on theme-related dashboard pages. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Menu dropdown design issue. (Topic)
  • UPDATED: WooCommerce template.
  • UPDATED: Google fonts list.
  • DEV: Added filter “woodmart_shipping_progress_bar_amount” for shipping progress bar.
  • DEV: Added filter “woodmart_get_numberposts_by_query_autocomplete” for theme settings control with autocomplete.
  • DEV: Added filter “woodmart_show_required_in_search_form” for search form element.
  • IMPROVED: “Shop” and “Accent” button design groups in the theme settings merged into one “Accent” group.
  • IMPROVED: “Map” element renamed to “Google map”.
  • IMPROVED: Simple dropdown menu position in Header builder right column.
  • IMPROVED: Scroll to “Full width button” and “Summary on hover” product loop styles with long short description content. (Screenshot)
  • REMOVED: Option “Deprecated CSS classes from v5.x” in theme settings, now the option works through “woodmart_show_deprecated_css_classes” filter.
  • REMOVED: Base deprecated styles related to the old (6.1 and lower) dummy content installations. Can be manually enabled via the “Styles always load” option. (Screenshot)
25-04-2022 – Update version 6.4.2

  • FIXED: Calculation for free shipping with taxes.
  • FIXED: Dummy content is split into parts to avoid timeout errors.
19-04-2022 – Update version 6.4.1

  • FIXED: Calculation for free shipping with taxes. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Products bordered grid on Related products. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Import PHP error on some servers. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Extra content option. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Product filters PHP notices. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Single product brand with RTL.
  • FIXED: WPBakery tabs element typography options. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Theme custom code conflict with WordPress dashboard styles. (Topic)
11-04-2022 – Update version 6.4.0

  • ADDED: New custom shop page #5. (Link)
  • ADDED: New custom shop page #6. (Link)
  • ADDED: New custom product page #6. (Link)
  • ADDED: New custom product page #7. (Link)
  • ADDED: New custom product page #8. (Link)
  • ADDED: Mobile menu close button. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Free shipping progress bar. (Screenshot, Screenshot, Documentation)
  • ADDED: Preloader color scheme option. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Is RTL” condition to theme settings presets. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Responsive columns for Blog, Portfolio, Products, Products tabs, Products categories element. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: “Keep the page number in the URL” option for load more pagination. (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Product filters element inline option
  • ADDED: Product categories widget selectors to advanced typography.
  • ADDED: Option Even product grid (Screenshot)
  • ADDED: Option bordered grid inside (Screenshot)
  • FIXED: Brands element empty name issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: New preset creation issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Fixed WPBakery shortcodes in “Quick view”. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Shop page styles on AJAX change from layout to default.
  • FIXED: Layered navigation widget category select. (Screenshot)
  • FIXED: Errors in widgets Gutenberg editor. (Topic)
  • FIXED: JS files error. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Fixed CSS validator errors. (Topic)
  • FIXED: WPML with layout conditions. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Product list view add to cart button issue. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Dokan PHP fatal error. (Topic)
  • FIXED: After back history on the shop page order by select not run AJAX.
  • FIXED: Dropdowns animation on iPad. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Product element load more button undefined in url. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Quick shop variations bug when the quick view is turned off. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Login to see add to cart and prices now hide price from Google search. (Topic)
  • FIXED: WordPress Gutenberg global styles and SVG now related to “Disable Gutenberg styles”. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
  • FIXED: PHP notice in Elementor element Products widget. (Topic)
  • FIXED: Single product sticky add to cart on layouts.
  • DEV: Added filter “woodmart_animated_counter_speed” to change Animated counter element speed.
  • IMPROVED: Options where select HTML Block now load data with AJAX.
  • IMPROVED: Changed media queries on all theme options for WPBakery from 1024 to 1199 (Element width, margin, padding, hidden option, align options, typography option, off-canvas column, collapsible content)
11-12-2020 – Update version 5.3.6

  • FIXED: Autocomplete control in theme settings
  • FIXED: Product brands element PHP notice
  • FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce template version
  • FIXED: Sticky header issue
  • FIXED: Menu dropdown hover issue
  • FIXED: Compatibility with Extras for Elementor & JetEngine
  • FIXED: Product brands PHP notice
  • FIXED: PHP 7.4 notices
  • UPDATED: Waypoint library to 4.0.1
09-12-2020 – Update version 5.3.5

  • FIXED: jQuery 3.5.1 error with PJAX library
  • REMOVED: Deprecated jQuery methods
16-11-2020 – Update version 5.3.4

  • FIXED: Device.js error on Mac
  • FIXED: Clear swatches cache on product selling
  • FIXED: Sticky add to cart with Elementor custom single product template
05-11-2020 – Update version 5.3.3

  • FIXED: New products query performance
04-11-2020 – Update version 5.3.2

  • FIXED: Add to wishlist issue
04-11-2020 – Update version 5.3.1

  • FIXED: PHP Errors with elementor
04-11-2020 – Update version 5.3.0

  • ADDED: Official full Toolset plugin compatibility
  • ADDED: Elementor Pro custom header and footer better support
  • ADDED: New label end date option
  • FIXED: `Project title in page heading` option behavior
  • FIXED: Elementor images gallery lightbox issue
  • FIXED: Promo banner WPB element link issue
  • FIXED: Infobox header element link target issue
  • FIXED: Off-canvas sidebar button on portfolio pages
  • FIXED: Standard font issue
  • FIXED: Mini cart quantity update one item only
  • FIXED: Quick view with external product ajax button issue
  • FIXED: Blog results on the search page
  • FIXED: Username with API in Instagram WPB element
  • FIXED: Loader issue in mini cart widget on remove
  • FIXED: Elementor product filters element query type issue
  • FIXED: Select2 in theme widgets
  • FIXED: Wishlist duplicate query
  • FIXED: Elementor responsive with single product accordion
  • FIXED: Errors when WooCommerce is not installed
  • FIXED: HTML tags not working in the product title
  • FIXED: OWL Carousel random jumps
  • FIXED: Full-width carousel arrows
  • FIXED: Mobile menu on small screen devices
  • FIXED: Variation swatches spacing
  • FIXED: Mobile menu icon label
  • FIXED: Dokan dashboard mobile menu on safari browser
  • FIXED: Hide “to” price option on sticky add to cart
  • FIXED: Hide “to” price option on safari browser
  • FIXED: PHP Errors
  • IMPROVED: Theme Settings performance
  • IMPROVED: WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager stock status field
  • IMPROVED: Prev Next button on products
  • IMPROVED: AJAX Search by categories
  • IMPROVED: Remove product from mini cart if product quantity equal to zero
  • UPDATED: Google fonts list
  • UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.4.1
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.23
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.27
  • REMOVED: Deprecated font format files
  • DEV: Added `woodmart_compare_return_to_shop_url` filter to `inc/integrations/woocommerce/modules/compare.php` file
  • DEV: Added `woodmart_wishlist_return_to_shop_url` filter to `inc/integrations/woocommerce/modules/wishlist/class-ui.php` file
  • DEV: Added `woodmart-quick-view-displayed` trigger to JS
  • DEV: Added `wp_body_open` action
  • DEV: Added `woodmart_photoswipe_close_on_scroll` filter to disable photo swipe close on scroll
  • DEV: Fixed `is_product_exists()` function in `inc/integrations/woocommerce/modules/wishlist/class-wishlist.php` file
25-08-2020 – Update version 5.2.0

  • ADDED: Elementor sections negative margin option
  • ADDED: “Select all” button to multiselect control
  • ADDED: Additional variation gallery data storage method option
  • ADDED: Elementor 3.0 compatibility
  • IMPROVED: CSS full width row
  • UPDATED: WooCommerce 4.4 templates versions
  • FIXED: Mobile bottom navbar order
  • FIXED: Menu anchor with full screen menu
  • FIXED: JS error in theme settings
  • FIXED: Header builder button link issue
  • FIXED: Header builder account element title tooltip
  • FIXED: Safari price bug
  • FIXED: Load more button screen position
  • FIXED: Mobile header elements custom icon
  • FIXED: Single product container width
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro form widget size options
  • FIXED: PHP errors
  • UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.3.0
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.22
05-08-2020 – Update version 5.1.0

  • ADDED: Additional elements pages on Elementor to dummy content
  • ADDED: Size guide Elementor element
  • ADDED: Brand autoplay options to WPB Brand element
  • ADDED: Slider center mode option for Product and Products tab elements
  • ADDED: CSS Generator additional options
  • FIXED: Mobile carousel gradient on RTL
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Container width on product archive
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Container width on single templates
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Archive Products element
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for WooCommerce Breadcrumbs element
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Product Price element
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Product Rating element
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Product Stock element
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Product Meta element
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Product Data Tabs element
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Additional Information element
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles of quick shop option on Upsells and Product Related elements
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Appearance bugs for Product Images element
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Appearance bugs for Add To Cart element
  • FIXED: Elementor Pro. Elementor Popup scroll
  • FIXED: Swatches limit option color on product hover “Full info on hover”
  • FIXED: Pricing Tables spacing on Elementor
  • FIXED: Product page zoom with image png format
  • FIXED: Checkbox on review form from Mail Chimp
  • FIXED: Position stars and swatches on product hover “Tiled”
  • FIXED: Click on button on hover “base” in carousel on Safari
  • FIXED: “Open product on click on mobile” on Safari
  • FIXED: Quantity buttons in product carousel
  • FIXED: Timeline Elementor element background color issue
  • FIXED: Google fonts font family issue
  • FIXED: Infobox JS error with SVG animations option
  • FIXED: Single product JS error
  • FIXED: Single product full height sidebar
  • FIXED: Shop page link function
  • FIXED: Wishlist empty page issue
  • FIXED: Review images with Elementor issue
  • FIXED: Products tab columns
  • DEV: Added `woocommerce_checkout_before_order_review_heading` action to `form-checkout.php` file
  • DEV: Added `woodmart_dashboard_theme_links_access` filter to change dashboard links access
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.26
24-07-2020 – Update version 5.0.3

  • FIXED: Import error after Elementor 2.9.14 update
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.25
20-07-2020 – Update version 5.0.2

  • FIXED: Theme elements list with Elementor Pro
  • FIXED: Size guide shortcode
  • FIXED: Single product swatches select
  • FIXED: Mobile bottom navbar order
  • FIXED: Instagram images via API
  • FIXED: Hide larger price option on iOS devices.
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.24
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.17
15-07-2020 – Update version 5.0.1

  • FIXED: Force CSS clear cache after update
  • FIXED: Quantity buttons in product AJAX tabs
  • FIXED: Quantity buttons on out of stock product
  • FIXED: Elementor full width row
14-07-2020 – Update version 5.0.0

  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Elementor Support. IMPORTANT: Read our 5.0 update information here
  • ADDED: NEW VERSION – Grocery
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Product quantity on the shop page (for standard and quick hover only)
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Product quantity in mini cart widget
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Stick selected swatches name on the product page
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Limit swatches on grid
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Stock status widget
  • ADDED: 40 Elementor widgets
  • ADDED: WooCommerce 4.3 compatibility
  • ADDED: Toolset plugin support
  • cart-totals-inner
  • ADDED: Images gallery scroll per page option
  • ADDED: Filter to woodmart_shop_page_link() function
  • ADDED: Viber share link
  • ADDED: AJAX Products tabs JS callback after loaded
  • ADDED: Message to review form if image upload enabled but user not login
  • ADDED: TikTok social link
  • ADDED: Hide empty categories from page title option
  • ADDED: Exclude categories from page title option
  • ADDED: Time picker to countdown timer element
  • ADDED: Swap menu and categories menu on mobile option
  • ADDED: Brand autoplay option
  • ADDED: Change portfolio project URL slug option
  • ADDED: Change portfolio category URL slug option
  • ADDED: Supports custom fields to slider post type
  • ADDED: CSS Generator additional options
  • ADDED: Underline style on banner and infobox style
  • ADDED: Options to display image as background and height for banner
  • ADDED: Text transform options on typography
  • FIXED: Session error on shop page
  • FIXED: Grid switcher on shop page
  • FIXED: Product price filter after import missing
  • FIXED: CSS Generator issue after site transfer to new domain issue
  • FIXED: Issue with WPML Language picker in footer on after AJAX
  • FIXED: Dynamic css file generating
  • FIXED: Grouped products image
  • FIXED: Button / Popup / Header builder button icons option
  • FIXED: Login dropdown JS error
  • FIXED: Single product JS error
  • FIXED: PHP 7.4 errors
  • FIXED: Instagram error
  • FIXED: WhatsApp shape link
  • FIXED: On header remove action database data clean
  • FIXED: Hide “to” price in Safari browser
  • FIXED: Instagram element video aspect ratio
  • FIDED: RTL product lable minus symbol problem
  • FIXED: Header search icon on mobile devices
  • FIXED: Billing addres in one column issue
  • FIXED: Mobile bottom bar text overflow
  • FIXED: WCFM plugin mobile product grid spacing
  • FIXED: Plugin Contact form 7 style
  • FIXED: Option “Additional variation images” problem with loading image
  • FIXED: First active tab is visible on single product page
  • FIXED: Sold individually option by Woocommerce
  • IMPROVED: List element style
  • IMPROVED: Woodmart font icons
  • REMOVED: Redux Framework backward compatibility
  • REMOVED: Option Font Awesome light
  • UPDATED: WPML AJAX actions
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.23
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.15
  • UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.2.0
15-04-2020 – Update version 4.6.0

  • ADDED: NEW VERSION – Medical
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Site preloader (beta)
  • ADDED: Button element icon option
  • FIXED: WooCommerce 4.0 template versions
  • FIXED: WPML multi currency AJAX actions
  • FIXED: Mega menu loading issue
  • FIXED: Translating compare product attributes by WPML
  • FIXED: Age verify popup translate
  • FIXED: Justified gallery
  • FIXED: RTL menu child dropdown arrow icon
  • FIXED: Mobile menu widgets styles
  • FIXED: Chess blog post style CSS generator issue
  • FIXED: Dashboard WooCommerce order input styles
  • FIXED: RTL full-width row page loading issue
  • FIXED: Quick view content issue on non-webkit browsers
  • FIXED: Single product tabs with product hover
  • UPDATED: Google fonts list
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.22
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.2
24-02-2020 – Update version 4.5.2

  • FIXED: Broken style.css file (unminified version)
21-02-2020 – Update version 4.5.1

  • FIXED: Buttons click bug
  • FIXED: Icons cache issue
21-02-2020 – Update version 4.5.0

  • ADDED: NEW VERSION – Medical marijuana
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Age verification popup
  • ADDED: Font Awesome 5 support
  • ADDED: Multiple select category to Woodmart layered nav widget
  • ADDED: Element button smooth scroll option
  • ADDED: Option to disable Justified gallery on blog post
  • ADDED: Content full width option to Woodmart slider
  • ADDED: Autoplay speed option to Woodmart slider
  • ADDED: Custom header select on single product metaboxes
  • ADDED: WooCommerce 3.9 compatibility
  • FIXED: My account dropdown with browser autocomplete
  • FIXED: Synchronize quantity on shop page and on sticky add to cart
  • FIXED: Sidebar loading issue on shop page
  • FIXED: Blog element load more
  • FIXED: Owl carousel click issue on single product
  • FIXED: Wishlist with out of stock products
  • FIXED: Header builder border
  • FIXED: Share button VK
  • FIXED: Woodmart class autoload
  • FIXED: RSS with lazy loading
  • FIXED: Product variation gallery data translate with WPML
  • FIXED: Justified Gallery styles
  • FIXED: List styles in category description
  • FIXED: Disable overflow row option
  • FIXED: Portfolio element on single post page
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.8
14-01-2020 – Update version 4.4.0

  • ADDED: NEW VERSION – Fashion minimalism
  • ADDED: Slider Revolution inherit font option
  • ADDED: Disable breadcrumbs on shop and product page options
  • FIXED: Filters link with WPML
  • FIXED: Review images message tooltip
  • FIXED: Product filter price element with WPML
  • FIXED: Alt attribute on avatar image
  • FIXED: Swatches single product tooltip
  • FIXED: SVG cache issue
  • UPDATED: WPML config file
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.6
  • UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.1
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.21
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
05-12-2019 – Update version 4.3.0

  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Upload images to product reviews
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Custom thank you page
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Hide a higher price for variable products
  • ADDED: New Instagram API (read instruction)
  • FIXED: Price filter in product filters element with WPML
  • FIXED: Odnoklassniki share button
  • FIXED: Wishlist issue with long products id
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.5
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
26-11-2019 – Update version 4.2.2

  • ADDED: Fix for a better compatibility with Google Tag Manager for WordPress plugin
  • FIXED: Incorrect display of characters in AJAX search
  • FIXED: Product page accordion with Lazy load issue
  • FIXED: WhatsApp share link
  • FIXED: PHP errors on edit page with some theme elements
  • FIXED: Missing dark version styles
  • FIXED: Products containing text “loading” in categories slug
06-11-2019 – Update version 4.2.1

  • FIXED: Additional variation images issue
  • FIXED: Shop categories in page title order
  • FIXED: Single product reviews tab issue
  • FIXED: Remove button with header dropdowns dark issue
31-10-2019 – Update version 4.2.0

  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Header category element – more categories button
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Display results from blog in search option
  • ADDED: NEW ELEMENT – Size guide
  • ADDED: Blog element order by list of IDs
  • ADDED: Single project custom header option
  • ADDED: Project title in page heading option
  • ADDED: Notices color options
  • ADDED: Additional CSS generator options
  • ADDED: Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha (v2 & v3) plugin compatibility
  • FIXED: Single product image zoom
  • FIXED: Hotspot element product rating
  • FIXED: Instagram API (read instruction)
  • FIXED: Wishlist unnecessary product issue
  • FIXED: Brands title image on single product
  • FIXED: Additional variation images on single product
  • FIXED: WPB CSS generator font issue
  • FIXED: Google map controls in frontend editor
  • FIXED: Instagram double query issue
  • FIXED: Product more description button after AJAX issue
  • FIXED: AJAX search with category select
  • FIXED: Product video popup close button
  • FIXED: Google map issue
  • FIXED: Product loop swatches underline
  • FIXED: Attribute order in compare
  • FIXED: PHP errors in sticky toolbar
  • FIXED: Single product accordion IPad issue
  • FIXED: Layered nav widget cache issue
  • FIXED: Post page meta
  • FIXED: Safari browser login sidebar problem
  • FIXED: Size guide select for single product
  • FIXED: Quick view problem on single product
  • FIXED: SKU in search results
  • FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
  • FIXED: PHP Errors
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.1
  • UPDATED: WPML config file
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.20
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
12-09-2019 – Update version 4.1.0

  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – WPBakery CSS generator
  • ADDED: Product filters category “Category order” option
  • ADDED: Google font “Krub”
  • ADDED: Getting pictures from Instagram with API
  • ADDED: Show SKU on AJAX results option
  • ADDED: Header builder link to admin bar
  • ADDED: Light Font Awesome CSS version option
  • ADDED: Light Bootstrap CSS version option
  • ADDED: Disable Gutenberg styles option
  • ADDED: Use Relevanssi for AJAX search option
  • IMPROVED: Extended CSS generator options by 40%
  • IMPROVED: Main style.css file reduced by 1500 lines
  • IMPROVED: СSS for product hovers
  • IMPROVED: CSS for header elements
  • IMPROVED: CSS for single product tool buttons
  • FIXED: Compare page on IE 11
  • FIXED: Theme settings on Safari
  • FIXED: Bootstrap classes on product grid
  • FIXED: YITH Add to quote double button on single product
  • FIXED: Lazy loading error 404 with base64 option
  • FIXED: Single product tabs with comment pagination issue
  • FIXED: Product element autocomplete
  • FIXED: My account issue with disabled tabs
  • FIXED: Clear all filters button with price filter widget
  • FIXED: Wishlist translations
  • FIXED: Wishlist title in sidebar navigation
  • FIXED: Instagram added ”/” to link
  • FIXED: Share label on wishlist
  • FIXED: Empty cart message issue
  • FIXED: HTML block max count in menu select
  • FIXED: Compare page product count
  • FIXED: Countdown timer for variable product added cache
  • FIXED: Shop page breaks after PJAX with some server and PHP settings
  • FIXED: Wishlist button on quick view
  • FIXED: Loader on Compare page
  • FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
  • FIXED: PHP Errors
  • REMOVED: Styles for YITH Compare and Wishlist, WCFM Marketplace. You still can enable them in CSS generator.
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.1
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.19
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
21-08-2019 – Update version 4.0.4

  • FIXED: WPBakery Frontend save with metaboxes
  • FIXED: Theme settings not working with Redux Framework
  • FIXED: Odnoklassniki share button
  • FIXED: Wishlist product loop button after AJAX
  • FIXED: IE11 issue
  • FIXED: Theme settings not save with WP Mail Logging plugin
13-08-2019 – Update version 4.0.3

  • FIXED: WPML with Compare and Wishlist
  • FIXED: WPML theme settings translations
  • FIXED: Wishlist translations
  • FIXED: Product swatches issue
  • FIXED: Single product tabs issue
  • FIXED: Empty wishlist page issue
  • FIXED: PHP notices
08-08-2019 – Update version 4.0.2

  • FIXED: Metaboxes checkbox saving issue
  • FIXED: Select2 JS error
07-08-2019 – Update version 4.0.1

  • FIXED: Google fonts bug
  • FIXED: Custom CSS and JS options
07-08-2019 – Update version 4.0.0

  • In this major update we have developed our own Theme Settings panel and now two heavy plugins can be uninstalled: Redux Framework and CMB2. Also, with our new built-in wishlist feature you can remove YITH Wishlist as well. Reducing the number of plugins on your website will lead to a better performance.
    Please, read the MIGRATION INSTRUCTION before the update.
  • ADDED: NEW VERSION – Sweets bakery
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – WoodMart Wishlist
  • ADDED: Header banner shortcode translation to WPML
  • ADDED: Compare button to sticky add to cart
  • ADDED: Remove duplicate price for variable product option
  • ADDED: New section divider
  • ADDED: Google map lazy loading option
  • ADDED: Font display option for icons fonts
  • ADDED: Font display option for Google fonts
  • ADDED: Disable Font Awesome option
  • IMPROVED: Shop page loader
  • IMPROVED: AJAX search now starting from third symbol
  • IMPROVED: Stripe plugin checkout and my account styles
  • IMPROVED: style.css file size reduced by 10%
  • REMOVED: Redux Framework plugin
  • REMOVED: CMB2 plugin
  • REMOVED: YITH Wishlist plugin
  • FIXED: AJAX filters on single product page issue
  • FIXED: Quantity input issue
  • FIXED: PHP Notice in breadcrumb
  • FIXED: PayPal express checkout in mini cart
  • FIXED: Instagram url now with WWW
  • FIXED: Login and Register form redirect
  • FIXED: Product autocomplete for hotspot, categories and product widget
  • FIXED: Compare brand image with lazy-loading
  • FIXED: AJAX Shop option
  • FIXED: Sticky toolbar lazy load
  • FIXED: Sticky toolbar translate
  • FIXED: Hotspot content click problem
  • FIXED: Hotspot short description text problem
  • FIXED: Product accordion tabs issue in Chrome browser
  • FIXED: CSS generator marketplace plugins issue
  • FIXED: Compare button on product grid translation
  • FIXED: Dummy content promo popup content appearance
  • FIXED: PHP Errors
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.0.9
  • UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.0.5
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
11-07-2019 – Update version 3.8.2

  • FIXED: Import issue
  • FIXED: Variation gallery JS error
  • FIXED: Sticky navbar account element issue
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.0.2
11-06-2019 – Update version 3.8.1

  • FIXED: Sidebar offcanvas opener
  • FIXED: Carousel per page option
  • FIXED: Single product stretched brand image
09-06-2019 – Update version 3.8

  • ADDED: NEW VERSION – Alternative energy
  • ADDED: Custom buttons to sticky navbar
  • ADDED: Lazy loading offset option
  • ADDED: Hide cart widget automatically after add to cart action
  • ADDED: Additional variation images on Quick view
  • ADDED: Cache functionality for Twitter elements
  • ADDED: AJAX Product tabs titles alignment option
  • FIXED: Size guide empty meta data
  • FIXED: Total stock quantity empty meta data
  • FIXED: Dynamic css with advanced typography
  • FIXED: Offcanvas sticky button
  • FIXED: Cart widget product name
  • FIXED: Portfolio grid title tag
  • FIXED: Waypoint JS error
  • FIXED: WPBakery animation issue
  • FIXED: Lazy load for brand element
  • FIXED: Advanced typography with menu selectors issue
  • FIXED: Back to products button on single product page
  • FIXED: Product filters form submit issue
  • FIXED: Zoom on single product page gallery
  • FIXED: Scroll to top after swatch select glich
  • FIXED: Portfolio filters with lazy loading
  • FIXED: woodmart_sticky_sidebar_button function cache issue
  • FIXED: Product attributes extra option saving issue
  • UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.0.3
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.18
06-05-2019 – Update version 3.7

  • ADDED: NEW VERSION – Retail 2
  • ADDED: Alternative social login buttons style
  • ADDED: Product attributes thumbnail preview in dashboard
  • ADDED: Top Rated Products filter to product element
  • ADDED: WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace plugin compatibility
  • ADDED: Option to change browser color on Android
  • ADDED: Support WooCommerce 3.6 meta lookup table
  • ADDED: Option to change login and register title on my account page
  • ADDED: New product review star rating style
  • FIXED: Banner with mobile carousel disabled
  • FIXED: Categories widget in IE11
  • FIXED: Product review avatar in Firefox
  • FIXED: Header boxed padding
  • FIXED: Login and register text
  • FIXED: Widget layered nav filters title
  • FIXED: Size guide issue
  • FIXED: Broken link after AJAX
  • FIXED: Google Map init
  • FIXED: Image hotspot issue
  • FIXED: Row divider overlap option
  • FIXED: WPML Empty compare text
  • FIXED: Brand image on single product attributes
  • FIXED: PHP notice in shop view buttons
  • FIXED: Sticky navbar offcanvas button
  • FIXED: Product popup issue
  • REMOVED: Google+ link from Team members element
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.17
28-03-2019 – Update version 3.6.1

  • FIXED: Navbar cart item with dropdown cart widget
  • FIXED: WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget issues
  • FIXED: AJAX add to cart on single product
25-03-2019 – Update version 3.6

  • ADDED: NEW VERSION – Camping
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Mobile bottom navbar
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Collapse footer widgets on mobile
  • ADDED: Boxed layout without overflow hidden
  • ADDED: Option to disable sticky notifications
  • ADDED: Shadow option to row in header builder
  • ADDED: Category option to WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget
  • ADDED: Scroll top on variation select option for desktop and mobile
  • ADDED: LinkedIn share button
  • FIXED: Woodmart Core plugin message
  • FIXED: Brands links for archives
  • FIXED: Header builder PHP notice
  • FIXED: Images gallery element PHP error
  • FIXED: WPBakery Page Builder carousel PHP notice
  • FIXED: Slider sliding speed filter
  • FIXED: JS error with scroll to comments
  • FIXED: PHP notice in lazy load function
  • FIXED: Missed default favicon retina image
  • FIXED: Boxed header on IE 11
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.16
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
  • REMOVED: Google+ share and social link
  • UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin
27-02-2019 – Update version 3.5.2

  • FIXED: Code problems according to new Envato coding requirements
22-02-2019 – Update version 3.5.1

  • ADDED: WooCommerce 3.5.5 compatibility
  • FIXED: Parallax scroll options
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.15
20-02-2019 – Update version 3.5

  • ADDED: NEW VERSION – Flowers
  • ADDED: Sticky header hide on scroll down option
  • ADDED: Search form on mobile header
  • ADDED: Allow SVG uploads option
  • ADDED: Boxed option for header overlap
  • ADDED: Categories element autoplay option
  • ADDED: Disable background option for row, columns, section
  • ADDED: Show empty ranges to price filter widget
  • ADDED: Related products 5 columns
  • ADDED: Recommended plugin Safe SVG
  • ADDED: Krub font
  • ADDED: Single product sold out label
  • ADDED: Images gallery align options
  • ADDED: Attribute nofollow to social buttons
  • FIXED: Underline form style arrow fix
  • FIXED: iOS product reviews section layout
  • FIXED: MailChimp notice in popup
  • FIXED: Product categories widget counter position
  • FIXED: Register link action
  • FIXED: CSS generator icons not found
  • FIXED: Whatsapp share link
  • FIXED: Lazy loading with Dokan dashboard
  • FIXED: Overlap custom header on single product
  • FIXED: Theme settings link if user not admin
  • FIXED: Products element with WPML transalated products
  • FIXED: Search categories title attribute issue
  • FIXED: Variation gallery error
  • FIXED: Instagram error
  • FIXED: Lazy loading image attribute conflict
  • FIXED: Promo Banner element link issue
  • FIXED: Swatches image replace issue
  • FIXED: Select2 in Layered navigation widget
  • FIXED: PHP warnings
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.14
  • UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.7
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
16-01-2018 – Update version 3.4

  • ADDED: NEW VERSION – Base light
  • ADDED: Compare empty page text option
  • ADDED: CSS Generator tooltips
  • ADDED: Recent post widget categories option
  • ADDED: Product grid swatches cache
  • ADDED: Promo Banner element title tag and font option
  • ADDED: Infobox element title tag and font option
  • ADDED: WooCommerce 3.5.2 compatibility
  • ADDED: Checkmark icon after adding product to compare
  • ADDED: Loader after removing product form compare list
  • ADDED: New style of empty compare list
  • ADDED: Compare menu item in mobile menu
  • ADDED: Compare widget to header clone
  • FIXED: Row with animation on Safari browser
  • FIXED: Current page call to action menu item
  • FIXED: Countdown timer on RTL language
  • FIXED: Compare empty fields
  • FIXED: WC Marketplace dashboard styles
  • FIXED: Out of stock variables visibility issue
  • FIXED: Promo Banner element double open link issue
  • FIXED: Images gallery zoom image size
  • FIXED: Header builder account element username display issue
  • FIXED: Categories with masonry and lazy loading options height issue
  • FIXED: Additional variation gallery not saving images issue
  • FIXED: Additional variation gallery with quick view issue
  • FIXED: Progress bar issue with numbers
  • FIXED: SVG with gradient issue
  • FIXED: Mobile Firefox issue with variable product label
  • FIXED: WooCommerce email images with Lazy loading
  • FIXED: Templates library import on frontend editor
  • FIXED: Compare count with multisite
  • FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
  • FIXED: PHP warnings
  • FIXED: JS console errors
  • UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.13
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
30-11-2018 – Update version 3.3

  • ADDED: NEW VERSION – Landing gadget
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – WoodMart Compare (Plugin is no longer required)
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Disable OWL Carousel script on mobile devices
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Product title limit
  • ADDED: Compare icon to Header builder
  • ADDED: Attribute nofollow to price filter
  • ADDED: One page menu navigation works with row and section
  • FIXED: Issue if all header rows is sticky
  • FIXED: WP Import PHP error
  • FIXED: Mobile search button clone to desktop sticky header
  • FIXED: Undefined title on product images
  • FIXED: JS error if AJAX shop disable
  • FIXED: Additional variation gallery with carousel autoheight issue
  • FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
  • FIXED: PHP warnings
  • UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.6.0
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
09-11-2018 – Update version 3.2

  • ADDED: NEW VERSION – Black friday
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Additional variation gallery for products
  • ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Product stock progress bar
  • ADDED: Woodmart Slider background image for tablet and mobile option
  • ADDED: Product bordered style option
  • ADDED: Countdown for variable product option
  • ADDED: WooCommerce orderby select with AJAX
  • ADDED: 5 columns to Portfolio option
  • ADDED: Reset margin option on mobile and tablet for WPBakery column
  • ADDED: WooCommerce 3.5.1 compatibility
  • FIXED: Dynamic CSS with SSL
  • FIXED: CSS Generator version issue
  • FIXED: YITH Woocommerce Compare Premium issue
  • FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
  • FIXED: PHP warnings
  • UPDATED: Translations POT files
24-10-2018 – Update version 3.1.1

  • FIXED: Variation image blurred with WooCommerce 3.5
18-10-2018 – Update version 3.1

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  • Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best.

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