Due to a problem with our cache system, when you finish paying, you have to wait a few minutes for the cache system to refresh and automatically record the file data for you.

If the problem is still not resolved, please contact me. I will solve your problem manually.
I use GMT +7 time zone. Please give me maximum 12 hours. Please give me the opportunity to assist you.
Best regards

Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder

Codecanyon Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder 3.16.23

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3.16.23 - 15-April-2018
- Improvement: Added post/page title select option for headings.
- Improvement: Added div, paragraph and span tag options with heading tags for Timeline.
- Improvement: Added custom JS option on click of the advanced button.
- Fix: Advanced Tabs accordion issue on default active tab.
- Fix: Set false to PauseOnFocus in advance carousel settings.
- Fix: Flipbox visibility issue while using custom height option.

3.16.22 - 11-April-2018
- Improvement: Updated page builder name as WPBakery Page Builder instead of visual composer.
- Improvement: Added div, paragraph and span tag options with heading tags for package title and for subheading in Info table.
- Improvement: New registration form popup for updater.
- Improvement: Added div, paragraph and span tag options with heading tags for list item title in Info list.
- Improvement: Added Focus on select option on advanced carousel.
- Improvement: Improve UI.
- Fix: Rel Attribute option space issue.
- Fix: Icon not uploaded due to server issue.
- Fix: Advanced tab js causing issue in IE.
- Fix: Flipbox module animation issue in firefox browser.
- Fix: Info circle item animation issue in different Browsers while initial load.

3.16.21 - 3-January-2018
- Improvement: Added div, paragraph and span tag options with heading tags for package title and for subheading in Price Box.
- Fix: Conflict with venus theme function name.
- Fix: Counter in Module's list have different name on page element list.
- Fix: Dual button height issue on First loading with Advanced Tab.
- Fix: Advanced Tabs ID does not work in URL.
- Fix: HTML validation error in counter element.
- Fix: RTL issue in effect 18 of ihover element.
- Fix: Rel Attribute option is not working in advance button.
- Fix: Space issue in anchor tag attribute.
- Fix: Change the labels from optimized to combined in script & style tab and separator instead of seperator in heading element.

3.16.20 - 21-November-2017
- Improvement: Added div, paragraph and span tag options with heading tags for title in Info-banner.
- Improvement: Update WPML xml file for Compatibility.
- Fix: Advanced Tab Active Tab option issue.
- Fix: WPBakery Page Builder map element has issue with advanced tabs.
- Fix: Fancy text issue with special character(&) in string.
- Fix: Info circle connector alignment issue in RTL condition.
- Fix: Info circle item animation issue in Safari Browser.
- Fix: Modal Box - Close Modal On Overlay Click and ESC not working when selector option is used.
- Fix: Info-circle border not applied properly in safari browser.
- Fix: Interactive banner2 link redirect issue in touch devices.
- Fix: Toggle button issue while using Visual Composer starter theme.

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