Due to a problem with our cache system, when you finish paying, you have to wait a few minutes for the cache system to refresh and automatically record the file data for you.

If the problem is still not resolved, please contact me. I will solve your problem manually.
I use GMT +7 time zone. Please give me maximum 12 hours. Please give me the opportunity to assist you.
Best regards

Download Ncmaz - Blog Magazine WordPress Theme 4.3.4 + Themeforest 34122841 ver 4.3.4​

*, Version 4.3.4 (Jan 31, 2024) -​

    • 1.
      Update: Update Ncmaz-frontend plugin to v4.3.4
    • 2.
      Update: UI/UX when the login fails. (The user will not be redirected to the default WordPress login page, but instead the user will be on the current page and the modal login will appear with an error message.)
    • 3.
      Check compatibility with the newest version of WordPress.

*, Version 4.3.2 (Sep 12, 2023) -​

    • 1.
      Update all package dependence.
    • 2.
      Update some issues on RTL mode
    • 3.
      Check compatibility with WP 6.3 and PHP 8

*, Version 4.3.1 (Feb 20, 2023) -​

    • 1.
      Update: Update Ncmaz-frontend plugin to v4.3.1
    • 2.
      New: Add a sidebar for archive, author, and search pages. Settings on theme-options -> Archive page
    • 3.
      New: Added Archive widget, used for sidebar in archive pages
    • 4.
      Update: Remove and deprecate the total-counts-for-wp-graphql plugin. That total-count feature has been included in the new version 4.3.1 of the ncmaz-frontend plugin. So if you are using total-counts-for-wp-graphql plugin please deactivate and delete it.
    • 5.
      Update: Update Woocommerce templates to the latest version 7.3.0

Download Ncmaz - News Magazine & Podcast WordPress Theme + Themeforest 34122841 NULLED

Version 4.2.0 (DEC 22, 2022) -
Update: Update Ncmaz-frontend plugin to v4.2.0
New: Added Draft post and Publish post option in the more dropdown in post card.
New: Add custom default single page style option in theme-options
New: Add option on theme-options to enable/disable the autoplay-video feature in single-type video
Requirements: When you update to this version, you need to update and activate the WP GraphQL plugin v1.13.5 and other required plugins: Appearance -> Install plugins -> Update/active required plugins

*, Version 4.1.7 (DEC 3, 2022) -
Update: Update Ncmaz-frontend plugin to v4.1.6
Update-main: This update updates compatibility with the latest version of the WP GraphQL plugin - v1.13.5 and up.
Requirements: When you update to this version, you need to update and activate the WP GraphQL plugin v1.13.5 and other required plugins: Appearance -> Install plugins -> Update/active required plugins

*, Version 4.1.6 (DEC 2, 2022) -
Update: Update Ncmaz-frontend plugin to v4.1.5
Update-main: This update updates compatibility with the latest version of the WP GraphQL plugin - v1.13.4
Requirements: When you update to this version, you need to update and activate the WP GraphQL plugin v1.13.4 and other required plugins: Appearance -> Install plugins -> Update/active required plugins

*, Version 4.1.5 (Nov 6, 2022) -
Update: Update Ncmaz-frontend plugin to v4.1.4
Update: Update cart.php template for compatibility with Woocommerce v.7
Update: Change the button text "Return Home Page" to "Return to Home Page" on the 404 page.
New: Add reCaptcha v3 to the sign-up/sign-in/lost-password form (settings: Theme options -> General settings -> reCaptcha login )

*, Version 4.1.4 (Nov 3, 2022) - Urgent update for WordPress version 6.1
Update: Update Ncmaz-core plugin to v4.1.1, fix issue with WordPress version 6.1

**, Version 4.1.3 (Oct 6, 2022)
Update: Updated Gallery image section for post format Gallery (With galleries with less than 5 photos, the display is still beautiful)
New: Add button Clear all favorites on the author page.
Update: Optimizing graphql query for author page
Update: Update translation file .pot

**, Version 4.1.1 & 4.1.2 (Oct 3, 2022)
Fixed: Fixed the issue of not being able to customize theme fonts in theme-options
Fixed: Fixed JSON error for Gallery post when creating post using frontend-post-submission

**, Version 4.1.0 (Sep 29, 2022)
Update: Optimizing responsiveness styles for mobile viewings

**, Version 4.0.0 (Sep 27, 2022)
News: Add custom theme fonts in theme-options - Read more
News: Add custom theme colors in theme-options - Read more
News: Add custom theme radius style in theme-options
Update: Optimize images across devices
News: Adding more post-card styles for the ncmaz-grid-posts-block gutenberg block.
News: All Ncmaz-blocks Gutenberg blocks can now have server-side data, this helps your site load faster when the blocks already have data without having to load on the client
News: On Search, Author, and archive pages, then tabs and filters orderBy will now be updated in the browser history, which helps the browser remember these navigations.
Fixed: Fixed issue Megamenu is getting data even if the user hasn't interacted.
News: Optimize images on all devices (Image now uses lazy loading and srcSet, sizes...)

**, Version 3.0.0 (Sep 15, 2022)- (ncmaz-frontend v3.0.0)
Fixed: Fixed the Current post display below the related posts section & the more from author section.
Fixed: the uncategories category is always added automatically in the frontend editor submission.
Update: Update the entire Ncmaz Gutenberg blocks to version 3. After updating the theme, if you get an error, please follow this doc.
Update: Update react-hot-toast package.
News: Build Footer Quick Nav when viewing web pages on small devices.
**, Version 2.4.1 (Sep 8, 2022)- (ncmaz-frontend v2.3.1)
Fixed: Fixed the author page issue when the Favorites plugin was disabled, and removed the filterByLiked section when the Favorites plugin was disabled.
Update: Update the problem of admin page loading slowly when the site has many posts.
Update: Updated animation time for postLarge1

**, Version 2.4.0 (Aug 1, 2022)- (ncmaz-frontend v2.3.0)
Update: Default values in nc-user-meta fields (user custom fields) are reset to empty.
New: Add a custom feature to disable the single count-view feature
Update: Updated style for footer widgets, you can now use less than 4 default widgets on the footer
Fixed: Fixed issue shortcode display with Reading-time and Favorites button when deactivated with these plugins.
New: Updated translation, now you don't need to translate in Javascript files in theme, you already have a translation feature in theme-options
New: Add a custom feature to enable/disable video preview when hovering the mouse over the card
Fixed: Fixed 404 page reload error when deleting a single page.
Update: Add auto-play for Gutenberg block: Section-slider-postLarge1
Update: You can now customize the Reading time postfix in Reading Time WP Settings
Update: improved the way the theme's dark/light mode works
Update: Updated styles for RTL
Update: Fixed an issue where the photo gallery modal only showed 5 images in gallery posts
Update: Update the title of archive pages from H2 to H1
New: Added instructions for using Gutenberg typo blocks on the home page with the Ncmaz custom page template - https://nghiaxchis.gitbook.io/ncmaz...-home-page-page-template-is-ncmaz-custom-page

**, Version 2.3.0 (11, July 2022 )- (ncmaz-frontend v2.2.0)
Update: Improved Embed on frontend post Submission editor
New: Open Beta support Soundcloud, Vimeo, Streamable (https://github.com/CookPete/react-player#supported-media)... on Music Player
New: Smart search in the header search icon
Update: Improved styles, reduce the queue of some Javascript files
New: Support Woocommerce compatibility
Update: Add new translate text - "Listen now", "Now playing"...
Update: Add custom classes to fields on Edit profile page - Serve to customize the CSS for each field if you want
New: Hide comment button in single post page if that post closes comments
New: More customizations in theme options: Custom set default cover image for archive, search, and author pages, customize settings to limit the number of Tags, Categories in frontend Submission post pages
New: Support custom changing slug for pages: Frontend post Submission page, Ncmaz Edit account page - https://nghiaxchis.gitbook.io/ncmaz...nd-submission-post-page-and-edit-account-page

**, Version 2.2.5 (11, June 2022 )- (ncmaz-frontend v2.1.5)
Fixed: The image does not show up on frontend-post-submission-editor when editing the post
Update: Optimizing the performance of the submission post editor
Update: Improved UI of Iframe embed in frontend-post-submission-editor
Update: Block redirects/reloads page while creating/editing posts on frontend-post-submission-editor

**, Version 2.2.4 (2, June 2022 )- (ncmaz-frontend v2.1.4, ncmaz-core v2.1.0)
Update: Hidden Favorite-Button-Shortcode and Reading-Time-Shortcode meta box on post-edit
Update: Add search param to URL on the search page when submitting the search.
Fix: Fixed cannot add new, assign Tags on the frontend-submission-post editor
Update: Update all text-translate on edit-account-page - View more:
Update: update CardLarge1 animation CSS
Update: Re-responsive style page frontend-submission-post
Fixed: Fixed issue Query when click Show me more button (load more posts - Query results are not as expected)
Update: Show category description on the archive page
Update: Show Login button on frontend-submission-post page when user not logged in

**, Version 2.2.3 (24, May 2022 )- (ncmaz-frontend v2.1.3, ncmaz-core v2.0.1)
Fix: Error cannot share with Pinterest
Update: Update file language .POT
Update: Remove plugin ncmaz-demo-importer.
Update: Integrate the required plugin installation and import-demo into the theme. From now on, there is no need to update the ncmaz-demo-importer plugin, just update the theme via Themeforest.
Fix: Favorites button does not update the latest state with static data (Gutenberg blocks are set up for special-posts)
**, Update 23, May 2022 - (ncmaz-frontend v2.1.1)
Fix: Fix music player status to loading when reloading the page/ or navigate to other
Update: For video format post cards, automatically get the video thumbnail if the featured-image of the post is not set
Fix: Post frontend submission form, post format option appears slug format instead of label format.

**, Version 2.2.0 (13, May 2022) - (ncmaz-frontend v2.1.0, ncmaz theme v2.2.0)
New: Add frontend page post-submission (https://nghiaxchis.gitbook.io/ncmaz-wordpress/how-to/create-page-submission-post-and-profile-page)
New: Add frontend profile editor (https://nghiaxchis.gitbook.io/ncmaz-wordpress/how-to/create-page-submission-post-and-profile-page)
In this update the theme built-in frontend-post-submission and profile-edit functionality (previously had to use the WP-user-frontend plugin for these, After updating you can completely disable the WP-user-frontend plugin, and this will significantly increase page load performance)
Please login with account (guest/guest) to preview: https://ncmaz.chisnghiax.com/ncmaz-account/?tab=general

**, Version 2.1.0 (14, April 2022) - (ncmaz-core v2.0.0 and ncmaz-frontend v2.0.0, ncmaz theme v2.1.0)
New: Add new settings for slider in ncmaz slider blocks: ncmaz-post-slider, ncmaz-terms-slider, ncmaz-user-slider (docs comming soon!)
Update: Optimize ncmaz-core plugin, upgrade code from ReactJs to use React-typescipt, Code spliting, update the dependencies to the latest version...
Update: Upgrade and optimize ncmaz-frontend plugin, upgrade from React v17 to React v18, update dependencies to latest version, use React.Ref instead of uniqueClass in slider components using Glidejs ...
Update: Minimize will-change-transform class, use z-0 instead to fix overflow in Safari.
New: Add filter data by most-viewed and by most-liked in the settings of Gutenberg blocks.
Fix: Fix showing categories without posts in ncmaz terms Gutenberg blocks
New: Add new fields and display them in the author page: LinkedIn, Website, Github, Buymeacoffee ..., add buymeacoffee button on author page
Fix: Fix the error of loading more articles with duplicate articles on the search page.
Update: Update music player, optimize player on iOS, macOS, safari.
Update: Updated new style for the music player, more beautiful and more features.
New: Support music player with youtube link, now player support: mp3/mp4/youtube link
New: Add option to choose default mode for theme (dark/light default mode)
Fix: Fixed progress bar in single page not hiding when scrolling to the top
Update: Update the number of loading-placeholders item in the megamenu to match the number_per_page settings
Fix: Fixed scollToTop button being overridden on the music player
Fix: Fix LinkedIn share not showing on dropdown share
New: Music player optimization: The theme will now remember the current song playing and automatically reopen it when you reload the page or navigate to another page
Fix: Fixed the issue where the Switch button between dark/light mode wasn't hidden on mobile when setting to hide them in themeOptions
Fix: Turn off Developer mode in themeOptions
Fix: Fixed typo: "Writen by" -> "Written by", "Displaying widget items on the Sidebar area sinlge page" -> ".....single page".

**, Version 2.0.0 (27, February 2022) - (update ncmaz-theme v1.0.0 and ncmaz-frontend v1.0.0)
new: Developing compatibility with the Polylang plugin - Readmore here to Integrating Polylang into the theme
update: Update plugin ncmaz-core v1.0.0 - Add language to Graphql query to work with Polylang
update: Update plugin ncmaz-frontend v1.0.0 - Add language to Graphql query to work with Polylang
update: Remove TranslateJs field in themeOptions, instead need to translate with javascript files in the locales folder of the theme - Readmore here
fix: Fixed an issue where the megamenu could not be created for a menu other than the Primary menu

**, Version 1.2.1 (19, January 2022) - (update ncmaz-theme and ncmaz-frontend plugin)
new: Ncmaz-child - child theme
update: Update frontend translation: Orthe tags, orther categories, discover more tags ,....
update: Text color and responsive style on the dashboard page
update: update localstorage when change header-notify-message
update: update the position of scroll-top-button while playing music

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