Due to a problem with our cache system, when you finish paying, you have to wait a few minutes for the cache system to refresh and automatically record the file data for you.

If the problem is still not resolved, please contact me. I will solve your problem manually.
I use GMT +7 time zone. Please give me maximum 12 hours. Please give me the opportunity to assist you.
Best regards

Elementor Pro | WordPress Websites Builder

Elementor Pro | WordPress Websites Builder 3.19.3 NULL

  • Tweak: Added Lightbox Title & Description support to Gallery widget
  • Tweak: Added RTL support for Slides widget
  • Tweak: Display Lightbox images in Full size in Gallery widget
  • Fix: Template with Slides widget not working properly when placed inside Tabs, Accordion and Toggle widget
  • Fix: Dropdown menu lost styling after Elementor Pro v2.8 upgrade in Nav Menu widget
  • Fix: Indent doesn't work on RTL websites in Table of Contents widget
  • Fix: Query Control throws Undefined index: q error
  • Fix: Typography control not affecting dropdown menu in Nav Menu widget
  • Fix: Discord forms integration fails to send submissions in some server configurations
  • Fix: Rotating headlines don't align center in Animated Headline widget
  • Fix: Custom secondary color displayed when not needed in Share buttons widget
  • Fix: Motion Effects of certain objects are not functioning properly on Safari browser
  • Fix: Missing eye icon in Single template footer preview button
2.8.3 - 2020-01-01
  • Tweak: Updated Table of Contents widget panel location
  • Fix: ACF URL Dynamic field throws undefined index PHP notice (#9929)
  • Fix: Gallery lightbox pagination shows images from all tabs
  • Fix: "Reply To" option not working in Form widget "Email 2" Action
  • Fix: ACF Dynamic tag not working in Form widget Redirect action
  • Fix: Underline option not working in Table of Contents widget Normal state
  • Fix: Query Control Undefined index: autocomplete notice in some cases
  • Fix: Missing display condition to Read More Spacing control in Posts widget
2.8.2 - 2019-12-19
  • Tweak: Improved scroll-spy and collapsing functionality in Table of Contents widget
  • Fix: "No products were found" message not being displayed in an empty Products Archive
  • Fix: Redundant <br> tags in Single theme template (#9927, #9928)
  • Fix: Draft Popup shows up in Dynamic tag dropdown
2.8.1 - 2019-12-18
  • Fix: Share Buttons widget not working (#9920)
  • Fix: Redundant <p> tags added to Single Template posts
2.8.0 - 2019-12-18
  • New: Table of Contents Widget (#5171)
  • New: Added Font Awesome Pro Duotone font family support (#9578)
  • Tweak: Added Lazy Load option to Gallery widget (#9763)
  • Tweak: Added Random order option to Gallery widget (#9269)
  • Tweak: Updated Font Awesome Pro to v5.11.2 (#9578)
  • Tweak: Added preselect support for multiple default select values in Forms Widget (#9324)
  • Tweak: Avoid duplicate queries for Custom Icons (#9579)
  • Tweak: Major performance improvements to Gallery widget
  • Tweak: Avoid non-existing images in Gallery widget
  • Tweak: Added tabindex, aria-expanded, aria-hidden and role="navigation" accessibility attributes to Nav Menu widget
  • Tweak: Changed button HTML tag from button to span in Call to Action and Flip Box widgets for better W3C compliance and accessibility
  • Tweak: Removed Google+ from default networks in Share Buttons widget
  • Tweak: Added compatibility for Library Connect
  • Tweak: Added i18n to Toolset date dynamic tag
  • Tweak: Added external link support to Gallery widget
  • Tweak: Changed the link external attributes implementation to use add_link_attributes() in Gallery widget
  • Tweak: Updated references to the new Schemes system location
  • Tweak: Avoid running Gallery handler when the gallery is empty
  • Tweak: UI Tweaks in Editor Panel
  • Tweak: Added responsive capabilities to Pointer Width control in Nav Menu widget
  • Tweak: Added mobile support for responsive controls in Nav Menu widget
  • Tweak: Refactor register_controls() method in Posts widget skin trait
  • Fix: ACF URL "undefined Index" notice (#7646)
  • Fix: WooCommerce Mini-Cart widget causes fatal error in edge cases (#9304)
  • Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined index display for Author query (#9864)
  • Fix: Added compatibility for Button widget placed inside Swiper carousel (Topic)
  • Fix: Avoid empty spaces in Post info widget
  • Tweak: Always show "Custom label" control in Login widget
  • Fix: Nav Menu item typography selector in Nav Menu widget
  • Fix: Facebook Like Button widget causes flickering
  • Fix: WooCommerce mini-cart behaviour when using plain permalinks format
  • Fix: Avoid running Popup triggers when set without conditions
  • Fix: Removed "Date" query from Products widget
  • Fix: Slides widget when used as a Shortcode and is hidden
  • Fix: Custom URL being accessed on swipe in Media Carousel
  • Fix: Media Carousel widget Cube effect glitch
  • Fix: Lightbox shows images from multiple Gallery widgets in the same page
  • Fix: Image alt Text not displayed on overlay in Gallery widget
  • Fix: Gallery widget not visible in Posts widget Full Content skin
  • Fix: WooCommerce mini-cart remove unnecessary hooks registration when WooCommerce integration set to Disable
  • Fix: Slides widget button wrapping breaks in mobile view
  • Fix: Dynamic capabilities with the Reviews widget
  • Fix: Disabling autoplay doesn't work in Slides widget
  • Fix: Posts widget Full Content skin not working on Single template
  • Fix: Autocomplete not working for "By Author" condition in Display Conditions screen
  • Fix: Posts widget alignment issue
  • Fix: Product Variations Clear button not working in edge cases
  • Fix: Styling issues in Form widget submit button
2.7.3 - 2019-10-28
  • Tweak: Added RTL support to Galleries widget (#9213)
  • Tweak: Added Custom Icons compatibility for WordPress 5.3
  • Fix: Missing template function declaration causes fatal error in WC mini-cart widget
  • Fix: Pause on hover doesn't work in Carousel widgets
  • Fix: Link-actions conflict with ?action= parameter in the URL
  • Fix: Lightbox navigation not working in Gallery widget Single mode
  • Fix: Ken burns effect not working on the 1st slide if Infinite Loop option is turned off in Carousel widgets
  • Fix: Popup Advanced Rules detects internal links as external if current URL starts with www
2.7.3 - 2019-10-28
  • Tweak: Added RTL support to Galleries widget (#9213)
  • Tweak: Added Custom Icons compatibility for WordPress 5.3
  • Fix: Missing template function declaration causes fatal error in WC mini-cart widget
  • Fix: Pause on hover doesn't work in Carousel widgets
  • Fix: Link-actions conflict with ?action= parameter in the URL
  • Fix: Lightbox navigation not working in Gallery widget Single mode
  • Fix: Ken burns effect not working on the 1st slide if Infinite Loop option is turned off in Carousel widgets
  • Fix: Popup Advanced Rules detects internal links as external if current URL starts with www
2.7.2 - 2019-10-06
  • Fix: Slide Overlay not working when applying Ken burns effect in Slides widget (#9209)
  • Fix: Content width glitch in Slides widget (#9180)
  • Fix: Horizontal Alignment not working when applying custom style per slide in Slides widget (#9180)
  • Fix: Missing semicolon in Custom Fonts font-display CSS
2.7.1 - 2019-09-26
  • Fix: Background Overlay layer is over the slide content in Slides widget (#9180)
  • Fix: Duplicate images under "All" filter in Multiple Gallery
2.7.0 - 2019-09-24
  • New: Enhanced Galleries widget (#1898, #3103, #4279, #7631)
  • New: Dynamic Number (#5952)
  • New: Full content skin for Posts and Archive-posts widgets (#4617)
  • Tweak: Added dynamic number capability to Price List, Price Table, Counter, Star Rating, Progress Bar widgets
  • Tweak: Added tags support to forms Mailchimp action (#5418)
  • Tweak: User Profile Picture Dynamic Tag (#7947, #8740)
  • Tweak: Added font-display support to custom fonts (#5993, Developers Blog Post)
  • Tweak: Added Text Shadow control to Slides widget (#8800)
  • Tweak: Added Re-subscribe support to MailerLite (#8799)
  • Tweak: Added Dynamic capabilities to Facebook Embed widget (#9030)
  • Tweak: Use swiper.js instead of slick.js in Slides widget (Developers Blog Post)
  • Tweak: Added elementor_pro/search_form/before_input action hook to Search Form widget (#5598)
  • Tweak: Added elementor_pro/search_form/after_input action hook to Search Form widget (#5598)
  • Tweak: Added dynamic support for Custom field key (#7789)
  • Tweak: Increased expired license notice bar frequency
  • Tweak: Changed the icon name of Slides widget
  • Tweak: Added designated Finder's Icons for Custom icons & Custom fonts
  • Tweak: Use Ken Burns Effect as an external module
  • Tweak: Remove Fontello conflicting CSS on import to Custom Icons sets
  • Tweak: Editor Panel UI tweaks
  • Tweak: Added DOM events on Popup show/hide (Developers Blog Post)
  • Tweak: Added option to change the variations field width in Add to Cart widget
  • Tweak: Use select control instead of select2 in Menu Cart widget
  • Tweak: Added conditions to the tabs instead of to each control in Share Buttons widget
  • Tweak: Added Typography controls to HTML field in Forms widget
  • Tweak: Allow edit selected Font file in Custom Font
  • Tweak: Changed reCAPTCHA v3 error message
  • Tweak: Remove the "Save as Global" option on Global widget context menu
  • Fix: Corrected selector for removeControlSpinner() (#8790)
  • Fix: Slides widget navigation icons misplacement (#8533)
  • Fix: Horizontal Scrollbar when Slider widget is set to Full Width (#8527)
  • Fix: Inconsistent behavior when "Infinite Loop" enabled with "Autoplay" in Slides widget (#6726)
  • Fix: Ken Burns effect on Chrome transition glitches (#1671)
  • Fix: Nothing found message shows up inside the columns set in Posts Archive widget (#7347)
  • Fix: Responsive UI glitch in Popup Conditions modal tabs
  • Fix: Removed unnecessary divider in Call to Action widget
  • Fix: Custom Add To Cart * button style (size, position and background color) when quantity is enabled.
  • Fix: Add support for Document/PageBase in Theme Builder (Core >=2.7.0)
  • Fix: Ampersand character breaks email link in Share Buttons widget
  • Fix: Correct custom font attachment mime-type to show uploaded Custom Fonts
  • Fix: Mini-Cart not refreshing in Menu Cart widget
  • Fix: Cart drawer not working when WC Subscriptions plugin is activated
  • Fix: Querying CPT with custom taxonomies does not show the taxonomies before saving
  • Fix: Double rendering on change caused console error in Theme Builder's conditions screen
  • Fix: Translations and Strings in Share Buttons widget
  • Fix: Avoid using offset if the source is Manual selection in Query Control
  • Fix: Form being submitted although reCAPTCHA v3 validation failed in Forms widget
2.6.5 - 2019-08-26
  • Tweak: Added compatibility for the upcoming release of Elementor v2.7
  • Fix: Button style not working when quantity is enabled in Custom Add To Cart widget
  • Fix: Updated minified JS file fixed WhatsApp base URL in Share Buttons widget
2.6.4 - 2019-08-21
  • Tweak: Added compatibility for the upcoming release of Elementor v2.7
  • Fix: Changed WhatsApp base URL in Share Buttons widget for cross-device compatibility
  • Fix: Random slides order after several clicks on pagination in Testimonial Carousel widget
2.6.3 - 2019-08-18
  • Fix: Core version rollback to >2.6.0 causes a fatal error
  • Fix: Duplicate images when slideshow skin is selected in Media Carousel lightbox
  • Fix: Default bottom margin added to reCAPTCHA V3 badge
  • Fix: Input glitch in reCAPTCHA V3 threshold settings
2.6.2 - 2019-07-30
  • Tweak: Better accessibility support in Search Form widget
  • Fix: UI glitched in Popup publish screen (#8616)
  • Fix: "Child of Term" and "Any child of term" conditions (#8695)
  • Fix: Restored library_widget_templates action hook for 3rd party compatibility (#8687)
  • Fix: Twitter Icon missing in Blockquote widget
  • Fix: Form reCAPTCHA v3 badge position not working
  • Fix: Renewal notice bar appears in wrong situations
  • Fix: Draft Icon Set loads empty Icon Library
2.6.1 - 2019-07-24
  • Fix: Query Control autocomplete not retrieving results (#8672, #8661)
  • Fix: Price Table features section not working (#8660)
2.6.0 - 2019-07-23
  • New: Introducing Custom Icon sets - including Fontello, IcoMoon and Fontastic support (#110)
  • New: Added Font Awesome 5 Pro integration including 5,300+ icons (#4430)
  • New: Added reCAPTCHA v3 integration to Form widget (#8213, #6039, #7165)
  • Tweak: Added Exit Animation for Popups (#7063)
  • Tweak: Added ACF Dynamic tag support for archive pages (#5147)
  • Tweak: Added Navigator Indicators for Custom CSS & Motion Effects (#2180)
  • Tweak: Added Dynamic capabilities for Form Redirect action (#7552)
  • Tweak: Added Logged In Message styling options for Login widget (#7928)
  • Tweak: Added none breakpoint option to Nav Menu widget (#7916)
  • Tweak: Added option to place Post Terms dynamic tag without links (#8366)
  • Tweak: Added elementor/query/query_results hook to Query Control to allow full control over results (#7912)
  • Tweak: Allow choosing Heading HTML tag in Price Table widget (#8090)
  • Tweak: Show popup on dynamic click even when Avoid Multiple Popups option is selected (#8189)
  • Tweak: Added condition option to all of archive child pages (#8256)
  • Tweak: Added Effects Relative To control to Scrolling Effects
  • Tweak: Allow shortcodes in HTML Form field
  • Tweak: Removed donReach integration from Share Buttons widget due to service inconsistent stability
  • Tweak: Changed MailChimp List label to Audience
  • Tweak: Improved Entrance and Exit animation behavior in Popup
  • Tweak: Added Deprecated Notice control to Archive Products and Woo Products widgets
  • Tweak: Added default dynamic title for archives in Theme Builder
  • Tweak: Added condition to show Centered Slides control in Media Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Added notice bar in the Editor when the license is expired or not activated
  • Tweak: Replaced select control with choose control in Price List widget
  • Tweak: Removed Font Awesome 4 dependencies from the Editor
  • Tweak: Minor styling tweaks in the Popup publish modal
  • Tweak: Hide ordering form in Products widget on front page
  • Tweak: Removed page title markup when 'Hide Title' is active
  • Tweak: Added style controls for HTML field in Form widget
  • Fix: Form widget Date picker makes the Popup builder disappear (#7240)
  • Fix: Sticky element stop point stops working on viewport resize (#7884)
  • Fix: Copy-Paste style not pasting the Pointer option in Nav Menu widget (#8497)
  • Fix: Missing Print icon in Share Buttons (#8506)
  • Fix: UI style glitch in Blockquote widget when viewing from iPad
  • Deprecated: DB::save_editor() - Remove usage of this method (Deprecation Post)
  • Deprecated: DB::get_plain_editor() - Remove usage of this method (Deprecation Post)
#### 2.5.14 2019-07-14
* Fix: Better WC Related Product grid support to various themes

#### 2.5.13 2019-07-11
* Fix: Better WC grid support to various themes

#### 2.5.12 - 2019-07-10
* Fix: Grid for WooCommerce Archive Product widget
* Fix: Remove redundant `whitespace` CSS property causes style glitch in iPad
* Tweak: Added more compatibility for Elementor v2.6

#### 2.5.11 - 2019-07-02
* Fix: Close icon missing from Nav Menu widget ([#8460](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/8460))
* Fix: Elementor Pro v2.5.10 shows PHP notice regarding notice bar ([#8461](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/8461))
* Fix: Fatal error when deleting used Pods fields ([#8396](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/8396))
* Fix: Missing dropdown icon in conditions screen

#### 2.5.10 - 2019-05-28
* Tweak: Added compatibility for the upcoming release of Elementor v2.6
* Tweak: Error caused by empty Rows & Columns values in Products widget ([#8261](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/8261))
* Fix: Do not unset `product` CPT if it's not from WooCommerce ([#8160](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/8160))
* Fix: Column Spacing not working in WooCommerce Archive Products widget ([#8285](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/8285))
* Fix: Title styling not working in Products Categories widget
* Fix: Empty value in Dynamic Pods Gallery dropdown using Safari browser
* Fix: WooCommerce archives included in "All Archives" condition
  • Tweak: Removed auto-confirm control from MailPoet to support new version of MailPoet
  • Fix: Multiple Custom Fonts not rendered in the editor
  • Fix: Products sale query - handle exclude by manual selection.
  • Fix: Product Categories grid row & column style
  • Fix: Form integration AJAX cache override
  • Fix: Removed redundant CSS on Canvas & Header-Footer page templates
#### 2.5.5 - 2019-04-08
* Tweak: Allow text selection inside a Popup
* Fix: Added backwards compatibility for `tax_query` in Query Control ([#7751](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7751))
* Fix: Missing arguments for `widget_title` filter ([#7745](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7745))

#### 2.5.4 - 2019-04-03
* Fix: Move Query from using `term_id` to `term_taxonomy_id` ([#7653](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7653))
* Fix: Offset manipulation hook removal in Query control
* Fix: Missing form field `ID` in some edge cases ([#7711](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7711), [#7660](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7660))

#### 2.5.3 - 2019-03-31
* Tweak: Updated Google Calendar dynamic tag URL ([#7673](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7673))
* Fix: Missing form field names ([#7651](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7651))
* Fix: PHP 5.4 backward compatibility in Query Control ([#7633](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7633))
* Fix: `products_deprecated` Query Control module compatibility ([#7654](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7654))
* Fix: Changed query method from `term_id` to `term_taxonomy_id` ([#7653](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7653))

#### 2.5.2 - 2019-03-27
* Fix: Overwrite parent widget type in Global Widget ([#7632](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7632))
* Fix: Avoid Duplicates option not working in Query Control ([#7635](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7635))
* Fix: Manual Selection option not working in Query Control ([#7634](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7634))
* Fix: Incorrect condition caused handlers issues inside popup

#### 2.5.1 - 2019-03-26
* Fix: Query Control invalid call to deprecated action ([#7619](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7619))
* Tweak: Renamed action hook from `elementor_pro/{$widget_name}/query/{$query_id}` to `elementor/query/{$query_id}`
* Tweak: Renamed filter hook from `elementor_pro/query_control/get_query_args/current_query` to `elementor/query/get_query_args/current_query`

#### 2.5.0 - 2019-03-26
* New: Introducing Motion Effects including Scrolling & Mouse effects ([#72](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/72))
* New: Introducing Related Posts for Query Control ([#7306](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7306), [#7490](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7490))
* New: Introducing Date query for Query Control
* Tweak: Added option to open a Popup by a custom selector ([#6871](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/6871), [#6876](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/6876), [#7258](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7258))
* Tweak: Option to count when Popup is closed in "Show up to X times" Advanced Rule
* Tweak: Added full border radius control options inside Popup
* Tweak: Changed exit intent icon in Popups
* Tweak: Show only one popup in its own preview
* Tweak: Added responsive support to Popup entrance animation control
* Tweak: Conditions - Singular `All Pages` string changed to `Pages`
* Tweak: Added form field shortcode support for Drip tags ([#7000](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7000))
* Tweak: Added dynamic capabilities to Price List widget ([#7258](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7258))
* Tweak: Added Dynamic capabilities to Custom Attributes ([#6779](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/6779))
* Tweak: Added dynamic capabilities to Flip Box widget ([#6986](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/6986))
* Tweak: Decrease `z-index` for Nav Menu ([#6869](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/6869))
* Tweak: Changed "Scrolling Effects" section label to "Motion Effects"
* Tweak: Use filter `get_meta_viewport` for header templates ([#7043](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7043))
* Tweak: use filterable `Util::get_public_post_types()` in Theme Builder ([#7172](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7172))
* Tweak: Added Cloudflare rocket-loader support ([#7443](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7443))
* Tweak: Added responsive support to WC Products Columns & Rows Gap controls ([#6913](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/6913))
* Tweak: WC Menu cart "View Cart" & "Checkout" buttons styling
* Fix: Custom ID reset to default when dragging repeater
* Fix: Conflict between archive-products widget and WC customizer
* Fix: Add to Cart widget `spacing` and `space-between`
* Fix: Library view when creating a new Header or Footer
* Fix: Post types labels missing on Add New Template modal
2.4.8 - 2019-03-11
  • Fix: Missing query section in Products widget
  • Fix: Missing Taxonomy controls in Products widget in edge cases
2.4.7 - 2019-03-06
  • Fix: Compatibility Global Widget with Elementor v2.5.0+
2.4.6 - 2019-03-04
  • Fix: Pods gallery dynamic when empty (#7127)
  • Fix: Duplicate call for conditions screen issue
  • Fix: Compatibility with Elementor v2.5.0

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  • Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best.

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