Due to a problem with our cache system, when you finish paying, you have to wait a few minutes for the cache system to refresh and automatically record the file data for you.

If the problem is still not resolved, please contact me. I will solve your problem manually.
I use GMT +7 time zone. Please give me maximum 12 hours. Please give me the opportunity to assist you.
Best regards

Yoast WooCommerce SEO plugin by Yoast

Yoast Yoast WooCommerce SEO plugin by Yoast 15.9

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  • Fixes a bug where no plugin icon and compatibility data would be displayed on the plugins update screen.

  • We’ve tested with WooCommerce 4.5. Everything works as expected!
August 18, 2020

  • Adds ‘WebPage’ as schema @type to Product pages and Checkout pages. This results in a @type array with at least ‘WebPage’ and ‘ItemPage’, or ‘WebPage’ and ‘CheckoutPage’.

  • Enables tracking when activating the plugin. This can be disabled in the Yoast SEO configuration wizard.
  • Sets the minimum supported WordPress version to 5.4.
July, 28th, 2020

  • Hides the Yoast SEO columns in the Products overview table by default.
June, 23rd, 2020

  • Fixes a bug where no SKU would be output when the SKU field was left empty. It will now fall back to the product’s ID.

  • Outputs PreOrder as availability property value in the Product schema when the product is “on backorder”.
May 26th, 2020

  • Fixes a bug where the organization schema for a primary term would error.
  • Fixes a bug where a potential undefined variable notice was shown when toggling the ‘prices have tax included’ WooCommerce option.
  • Fixes a bug where changing the product permalinks would not reset the permalinks in their respective indexables.

  • Omits the product:price:amount and product:price:currency og meta for variable and grouped products.
  • Hides all Yoast columns in the Product overview page except the SEO Score column.
May 13th, 2020

  • Fixes a bug where the twitter:image meta tag would not fall back on the first product gallery image when no main product image was set.
  • Fixes a bug where all product gallery images would be output as og:image even though a user had set a specific image for a product.
April 28th, 2020

  • Fixes a bug where thumbnail product gallery images were added to the XML product sitemap instead of full size images.


  • Compatibility with Yoast SEO 14.0.
  • Sets the minimum supported Yoast SEO version to 14.0.
  • Sets the minimum supported WordPress version to 5.3.
March 31st, 2020

  • Fixes a bug where PHP notices and a PHP warning were thrown for Product schema without a price.
  • Fixes a bug where the priceValidUntil schema property wasn’t output for products on sale with an explicitly set sale end date.

  • Improves the Open Graph product availability for better compatibility with Facebook and Pinterest.
  • Adds the product identifiers (GTIN, ISBN etc.) to the SEO title and Meta description replacement variables.
  • Adds a color attribute to the Product Schema output.
March 11th, 2020

  • We’ve tested with WooCommerce 4.0. Everything works as expected!
February 27th, 2020

  • Fixes a bug where the product price and tax inclusion were not accurately reflected in the Schema and Open Graph metatags.

  • Removes the `valueAddedTaxIncluded` Schema property when tax rate calculations are disabled in WooCommerce.
  • Removes the ‘Prices in Open Graph and Schema include tax’ setting in the plugin. Whether tax is included in Open Graph and Schema now solely relies on your product page settings in WooCommerce.
February 18th, 2020

  • Fixes a bug where the internal linking and additional keyphrase functionality are missing from the product edit page.
  • Fixes a bug where the short description for the meta description and Twitter and Facebook description could still contain HTML tags and redundant spaces.

  • Adds explanatory copy above the input fields for GTIN, ISBN etc.
  • Adds an option to display the price in Schema and OpenGraph with tax included.
February 5th, 2020

  • Fixes a bug where not all product attributes were available in the Brands and Manufacturer dropdowns.
February 4th, 2020

  • Adds a Yoast SEO section to the WooCommerce product data metabox that allows entering a GTIN, ISBN and MPN number.
  • Analyzes the content of the short description as part of the page content.
  • Throws a warning when WooCommerce is not active.
  • Adjusts the wording for when Yoast SEO is not active.
  • Schema:
    • Adds an @id attribute to every individual review.
    • Adds a name attribute to every individual review.
    • Adds an @id attribute to every offer.
    • Adds a productID attribute to the Product output.
    • Adds a gtin8 attribute to the Product output.
    • Adds a gtin12 attribute to the Product output.
    • Adds a gtin13 attribute to the Product output.
    • Adds a gtin14 attribute to the Product output.
    • Adds a mpn attribute to the Product output.
    • Adds an isbn attribute to the Product output. If an ISBN number is set, it double types the schema output to [ Product, Book ]. By double typing it, the Product can have the attributes of both schema.org/Book and schema.org/Product, and thus it can have an ISBN attribute and a price etc.
    • Removes the priceValidUntil attribute, as it’s not sensible.
  • OpenGraph:
    • Adds a product:condition meta tag to the OpenGraph output. It defaults to new but can be filtered using the new Yoast\WP\Woocommerce\product_condition filter.
    • Adds a product:retailer_item_id meta tag to the OpenGraph output for Facebook Catalog usage.
  • Don’t try to use the WooCommerce shop page in the sitemap when it is not set in WooCommerce.

  • Fixes a bug where the product:brand meta tag would not always be the selected primary term.
  • Fixes a bug where the product:availability meta tag would be set to instock instead of the correct in stock.
  • Fixes a bug where a PHP notice would be thrown on products with variations where a variation lacked an image.
  • Fixes a bug where Organization would be used in the schema output, while no organization was set.
  • Fixes a bug where non-public taxonomies could be chosen as manufacturer and brand.
  • Fixes a bug where the shop page would be shown in the XML sitemap when it was set to noindex. Props stodorovic.
  • Fixes a bug where an empty product:retailer_item_id was output when there was no SKU.

  • Deprecates the wpseo_woocommerce_og_price filter hook in favor of the Yoast\WP\Woocommerce\og_price hook.

  • Fixes a bug where the `ya:eek:vs:upload_date` meta tag would output an incorrect time.
  • Fixes a bug where incorrect video metadata would be saved on multisite environments in combination with MultilingualPress.
November 27th, 2019


  • Fixes a bug where a fatal error would be thrown when Yoast SEO was used in combination with another plugin or theme containing a class named `Date_Helper`.

  • Sets the minimum Yoast SEO version to 12.6.1.
November 26th, 2019


  • Sets the minimum required WordPress version to 5.2, the minimum YoastSEO version to 12.6, and the minimum PHP version to 5.6.20.
  • Replaces the HelpScout Beacon 1.0 on the Video SEO admin page with the Beacon 2.0.
  • Fixes potential “Undefined index” notices when the RSS feed is being viewed.
October 15th, 2019


  • Shows a floating `Save Settings` button on the Yoast SEO Video admin page when the normal button is not visible in the browser window.

  • Compatibility with Yoast SEO 12.2
  • Compatibility with Yoast SEO 12.1
  • Fixes a bug where the primary category would not be reflected correctly in the product schema output when it was being used to set the manufacturer or brand.
  • Compatibility with Yoast SEO 12.0
July 23rd, 2019

  • Compatibility with Yoast SEO 11.7
July 9th, 2019

  • Fixes a deprecation notice when calling get_woocommerce_term_meta.
  • Compatibility with Yoast SEO 11.6
  • Compatibility with Yoast SEO 11.5

  • Improves the integration of Woo & Yoast’s Schema output, bringing it to a whole new level.
  • Schema: Changes page type on Checkout to CheckoutPage.
  • Schema: Changes page type on Product to ItemPage.

  • Removes Woo breadcrumbs Schema output.
  • Sets the minimum required Yoast SEO version to 11.0.

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  • Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best.

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