iThemes BackupBuddy WordPress Plugin

iThemes BackupBuddy WordPress Plugin - 2019-11-18 - Brian DiChiara, Saylor Rain Holder, Chris Jean, Josh Benham, Jeremy Trask, Thomas Oliver, Tyler Gilbert, Yobani Mendoza, Michael Moore, AJ Morris
New Feature: BackupBuddy Dashboard Restore. Restore your whole site or a single file without ever leaving the WordPress Dashboard.
Enhancement: New Restore Backup Files interface.
Enhancement: Compare Backup Plugin and Theme Versions with current installed versions via Restore Files.
Enhancement: New local backup file viewer interface.
Enhancement: Better Restore compatiblity with Plugin, Theme, Media and Database only backups.
Enhancement: Restore remote backups from Stash, AmazonS3 and Local Directory Copy destinations.
Enhancement: New Microsoft OneDrive Destination.
Enhancement: Implemented Refreshed UI throughout BackupBuddy.
Enhancement: Backup Listing Groups, separated by month.
Enhancement: New Diagnostics page (formerly Server Tools) with some reorganization.
Enhancement: Cleaned up main BackupBuddy menu.
Enhancement: Better Stash and AmazonS3 Remote Backup file download procedure.
Enhancement: Moved BackupBuddy Stash v3 and AmazonS3 v3 Destinations to "Preferred", Discontinued AmazonS3 v1 destination.
Bug Fix: Better support for varying backup file names.
Bug Fix: Resolved some PHP notices related to create_function.
Bug Fix: Updated Dropbox sign-up link. - 2019-11-19 - Brian DiChiara, AJ Morris
Bug Fix: Resolved issue where "time ago" sometimes calculated incorrectly.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue where some folders may not show up during Browse/File Restore.
Bug Fix: Corrected a typo related to restoring from a Destination. - 2019-11-19 - Brian DiChiara, Tyler Gilbert, Thomas Oliver
Bug Fix: Resolves Guzzle library conflict with AmazonS3v3 Destination.
Bug Fix: Resolves permission issue on some hosts when restoring.
Bug Fix: Corrected minor PHP notices. - 2019-11-26 - Brian DiChiara, Tyler Gilbert
Bug Fix: Send Importbuddy to remote destination bug. - 2020-02-10 - Brian DiChiara, Josh Benham, Saylor Rain, Ronald van Weerd, Yobani Mendoza, Tyler Gilbert
Enhancement: Better handling of WordPress and Third-party admin notices on BackupBuddy pages.
Enhancement: Updated Amazon S3 Bucket Regions.
Bug Fix: Backups loading in Restore tab when no local backups exist.
Bug Fix: Restore from Amazon S3 now working.
Bug Fix: Clicking on date of snapshot now downloads the backup.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue with Stash Restore buttons not working.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue with Importbuddy not sending to remote destination.
Bug Fix: Dashboard widget now links to Create Backup tab.
Bug Fix: Tweaks/fixes to Scheduling pages and admin notices.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue with Malware scan not reporting scan results. - 2020-02-10 - Brian DiChiara, Tyler Gilbert
Bug Fix: Resolved PHP Fatal Notice in Importbuddy related to wp_strip_all_tags.
Bug Fix: Adjustment to admin notices on Backup screen. - 2020-02-11 - Brian DiChiara, Tyler Gilbert
Bug Fix: Resolved Javascript conflict with Jetpack related to admin notices. - 2020-03-09 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Fixed incorrect service URLs for S3 Bucket Regions.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue where BackupBuddy pages lock up related to admin notices. - 2020-03-19 - Brian DiChiara
Enhancement: New Dropbox (v3) Destination, supports latest API endpoints, OAuth2 and Restore functionality.
Enhancement: Updated sFTP Destination to include Restore support.
Enhancement: Updated FTP Destination to include Restore support.
Enhancement: Various improvements to Restore functionality.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue where OneDrive sometimes results in 503 Error when sending files.
Bug Fix: PHP 7.4 Compatibility fixes. - 2020-04-22 - Brian DiChiara
Enhancement: New Google Drive (v2) Destination, supports latest API, OAuth2 and Restore functionality.
Bug Fix: Added better restore reliability for instances where it never starts.
Bug Fix: Backup .dat files now move with the Backups Directory setting change.
Bug Fix: Date only backups no longer display incorrect time (12:00a).
Bug Fix: Resolved issue where zip extraction throws zipbuddy related error.
Bug Fix: Various fixes to Dropbox (v3) archive limits.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue where sometimes Deployment Pull throws errors.
Bug Fix: Resolved fatal error on Diagnostics > Cron when arguments contain object as a parameter.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue with sFTP Destination and Pear/Blowfish library.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue where Destination ID "0" was not loading backups on Restore tab. - 2020-04-24 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Resolved issue with Dropbox (v2) Pruning.
Bug Fix: Corrected typo in error message so it's clearer. - 2020-07-06 - Brian DiChiara
Enhancement: In Dashboard Restore Support for Microsoft OneDrive Destination.
Enhancement: Browse/Select sFTP Remote Path.
Enhancement: Better UI for Destinations/Remote File Listings (no more 4000px high iframe).
Enhancement: Automatically exclude restore folders from backups.
Enhancement: Notification and auto-cleanup of unused .dat files in remote destinations.
Enhancement: Provide basic "Remote" status for remote backups in Backup Details dialog.
Enhancement: Quick Setup Wizard now defaults to BackupBuddy Stash (v3).
Enhancement: Utilizing BackupBuddy internal Modal library for some Alerts, Prompts and Javascript Confirms.
Bug Fix: Resolved Dropbox v3 chunking issue.
Bug Fix: Updated BackupBuddy logo to use SVG instead of Text/Font.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue when deleting a destination, a "0" is displayed.
Bug Fix: Better handling of Restore aborts to be more reliable.
Bug Fix: Database string/replace fix when traversing objects.
Bug Fix: Resolved conflicts when using Google Drive v1/v2 Destinations side-by-side.
Bug Fix: Resolved issue where local backup archive limits were not being honored.
Bug Fix: Prevent .dat files from being sent to remote destinations unless backup .zip file is sent successfully.
Bug Fix: Better handling of .dat file deletion to keep remote destinations clean and happy. - 2020-07-06 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Resolved issue of incorrect path to JS file. - 2020-07-15 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Resolved issues with Dropbox sends where later versions of cURL being used.
Bug Fix: Resolved .dat file sends for multipart transfers.
Bug Fix: Resolved error when incorrect offset is returned by Dropbox.
Bug Fix: Better handling of getMetadata in Dropbox SDK for file_exists checks.
Enhancement: Display cURL version information in Diagnostics > Server.
Enhancement: Adjusted "Deleted X file(s)" text to be easier to read. - 2020-08-12 - Brian DiChiara, Chris Jean
Enhancement: Updated Updater - Includes Support for WordPress Automatic Updates. - 2020-10-07 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Improvements to Restore including a bug fix that resolves looping over the same step.
Bug Fix: Added Restore support for db_1.sql where database backup is stored in a single file.
Bug Fix: Dropbox CURL Backwards compatibility fix.
Bug Fix: Fix issue where dat file fails to send on S3 destinations, thus triggering failure email. - 2020-12-22 - Brian DiChiara
Enhancement: Added PHP 8 Support.
Enhancement: Added WordPress 5.6 Support.
Enhancement: Updated package dependencies.
Bug Fix: Various minor fixes to Stash2 and S3v3 Destinations. - 2020-12-22 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Reverted Composer dependency updates due to PHP compatibility. - 2020-12-22 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Actually reverted Composer dependency updates due to PHP compatibility. - 2019-02-20 - Chris Jean, Joshua Benham
Enhancement: Improvements to Stash v2 and v3 that can dramatically improve performance of sending files. - 2019-02-21 - Lew Ayotte
Enhancement: Updating http to https - 2019-03-08 - Chris Jean
Bug Fix: Fixed Stash remote destinations sometimes not removing older uploads per the destination settings. - 2019-03-12 - Lew Ayotte
Enhancement: Added nextRun to getSchedules API. - 2019-03-12 - Chris Jean
Bug Fix: Fixed importbuddy bug that prevents all files in Stash from showing properly. - 2019-03-22 - Lew Ayotte
Enhancement: Adding filters for LiquidWeb UI improvements (Managed Press) - 2019-04-09 - Chris Jean
Bug Fix: Added support for a new BACKUPBUDDY_STASH_USE_LEGACY_UPLOAD define that may help some sites send files into Stash. - 2019-05-02 - Chris Jean, Josh Benham, Brian DiChiara
Enhancement: Added improved caching to the Stash Live system which can improve performance.
Enhancement: Added support for the Stash Live server to attempt to fix known issues that can prevent the service from functioning correctly.
Enhancement: Fixed error reporting in Stash Live to report error details from the AWS SDK API that were previously missing. - 2019-05-07 - Lew Ayotte
Enhancement: Custom template filter added, Destination list filter renamed - 2019-05-08 - Brian DiChiara, Jeremy Trask
Bug Fix: Corrected typo for apply_filter/s. - 2019-05-08 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Someone fat fingered the last release version.
2019-01-30 - Glenn Ansley, Brian DiChiara
Enhancement: Add Sync Verb for creating a Backup Profile.
Enhancement: Add Sync Verb for Editing Remote Destinations.
Enhancement: Edit Sync Verb for start backup to allow option to send to Remote Destinations.
Bug Fix: Resolved memory issue when sending large backups to Stash/S3 Destinations. - 2018-05-11 - Glenn Ansley
Bug Fix: Fixed bug preventing Deployment from completing. - 2018-05-22 - Brian DiChiara, Jeremy Trask
Enhancement: Multiple coding standard enhancements.
Enhancement: Licensing page styling improvements.
Enhancement: Zip file handling improvements.
UI Fix: New Profile UI positioning fix.
Bug Fix: Resolved bug related to cPanel.
Bug Fix: Corrected multiple old codex references to point to new Zendesk documentation.
Bug Fix: Removed multiple instances where create_function is being used, replaced with anonymous functions, resolving PHP notices. - 2018-05-22 - Glenn Ansley
Bug Fix: Bad scope causing PHP errors. - 2018-05-23 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Replaced anonymous functions with named functions/methods for PHP 5.2 support. - 2018-05-24 - Brian DiChiara
Privacy: Added hooks to export and erase personal data.
Privacy: Added suggested privacy statement to WordPress privacy guide. - 2018-05-25 - Brian DiChiara, Glenn Ansley, Jeremy Trask
Major Release of all quick releases since
Bug Fix: Fixed bug preventing Deployment from completing.
Enhancement: Multiple coding standard enhancements.
Enhancement: Licensing page styling improvements.
Enhancement: Zip file handling improvements.
UI Fix: New Profile UI positioning fix.
Bug Fix: Resolved bug related to cPanel.
Bug Fix: Corrected multiple old codex references to point to new Zendesk documentation.
Bug Fix: Removed multiple instances where create_function is being used, replaced with anonymous functions, resolving PHP notices.
Bug Fix: Bad scope causing PHP errors.
Bug Fix: Replaced anonymous functions with named functions/methods for PHP 5.2 support.
Privacy: Added hooks to export and erase personal data.
Privacy: Added suggested privacy statement to WordPress privacy guide. - 2018-05-25 - Brian DiChiara
UI Fix: Fixed issue where license page heading overlapping icons. - 2018-05-25 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Replaced anonymous function with static method
Bug Fix: Fixed PHP 5.2 compatibility bug. - 2018-05-31 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Resolves an error where backup dat file isn't found and PHP notices during import. - 2018-06-01 - Brian DiChiara, Jeremy Trask
Bug Fix: Gets rid of notice about exclude reporting incorrectly. - 2018-06-01 - Brian DiChiara, Jeremy Trask
Bug Fix: Resolved problem with scheduled backups sending to remote destinations automatically.
Bug Fix: Show proper MySQL version or N/A when MariaDB is used.
Bug Fix: Got rid of PHP notice related to 'skip_database_dump'.
Enhancement: Display supported MariaDB version on Server Tools page. - 2018-06-11 - Brian DiChiara, Glenn Ansley
Enhancement: Made ImportBuddy to accept hooks.
Enhancement: Multiple coding standard enhancements.
Enhancement: Slightly optimized email template.
Enhancement: Malware Scan page code revamp.
Enhancement: Multisite Import Class constructor revamp.
Bug Fix: Integrity Check PHP Notice fix.
Bug Fix: Multisite Import bug fix.
Bug Fix: Fixed Scheduling Page Datepicker UI when visible on page load. - 2018-06-13 - Brian DiChiara, Glenn Ansley, Jeremy Trask
Major Release of all quick releases since
UI Fix: Fixed issue where license page heading overlapping icons.
Bug Fix: Replaced anonymous function with static method
Bug Fix: Fixed PHP 5.2 compatibility bug.
Bug Fix: Resolves an error where backup dat file isn't found and PHP notices during import.
Bug Fix: Gets rid of notice about exclude reporting incorrectly.
Bug Fix: Resolved problem with scheduled backups sending to remote destinations automatically.
Bug Fix: Show proper MySQL version or N/A when MariaDB is used.
Bug Fix: Got rid of PHP notice related to 'skip_database_dump'.
Enhancement: Display supported MariaDB version on Server Tools page.
Enhancement: Made ImportBuddy to accept hooks.
Enhancement: Multiple coding standard enhancements.
Enhancement: Slightly optimized email template.
Enhancement: Malware Scan page code revamp.
Enhancement: Multisite Import Class constructor revamp.
Bug Fix: Integrity Check PHP Notice fix.
Bug Fix: Multisite Import bug fix.
Bug Fix: Fixed Scheduling Page Datepicker UI when visible on page load. - 2018-06-20 - Brian DiChiara, Jeremy Trask
Bug Fix: Removed confusing messages about deleting local backups on scheduling page.
Bug Fix: Fixed email test message where dialog only shows "0".
Bug Fix: Fixed a few bugs related to MySQL v8.x and retrieving table information - 2018-06-21 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Resolved PHP error that sometimes appears on Restore / Migrate page.
Bug Fix: Fixed invalid HTML on importbuddy login page.
Enhancement: Multiple coding standards improvements. - 2018-04-23 - Brian DiChiara
Bug Fix: Fix Amazon S3 Destinations URL - 2018-05-07 - Glenn Ansley, Brian DiChiara, Jeremy Trask, Chris Jean, Rebecca Diamond
* Last Quick Release before *
Enhancement: Added Updated Licensing module to support WP-CLI
Enahncement: Multiple coding standard enhancments
Enhancement: Multiple UI enhancements.
Bug Fix: Fixed PCLZip dependancy issues
Bug Fix: Modified the way .htaccess protects the backup directory from direct downloads
Bug Fix: Fixed multiple minor PHP warnings and several small refactors of inefficient code. - 2018-05-08 - Glenn Ansley
Major Release of all quick releases since
Enhancement: BUB Scheduling Overhaul. Only show BUB Schedule Labels on Scheduling page and other fixes - Jeremy Trask.
Enhancement: BUB Integrity Check Overhaul. Prevent false negatives on some Backup Types if cached log is missing. Other fixes. - Glenn Ansley.
Bug Fix: Fix compat issue with PHP 5.4
Bug Fix: Fix compat issue with PHP 5.4
Bug Fix: Fix compat issue with PHP 5.3 in scheduling
Bug Fix: Fix bug that doesn't select correct default scheduling period for Stash Live Settings
Bug Fix: Fix Amazon S3 Destinations URL
Bug Fix: Fixed PCLZip dependancy issues
Bug Fix: Modified the way .htaccess protects the backup directory from direct downloads
Bug Fix: Fixed multiple minor PHP warnings and several small refactors of inefficient code.
Enhancement: Added Updated Licensing module to support WP-CLI
Enahncement: Multiple coding standard enhancments
Enhancement: Multiple UI enhancements. - 2018-05-08 - Glenn Ansley
Notice: Added deprication notice for Stash / S3 versions
Bug Fix: Updated link in Loopback Error
Bug Fix: Fixed bug causing some error messages to not print to screen
Bug Fix: Fixed remote destination checkbox when no destination is selected
Enhancement: Added ftp destination error messages upon FTP failure.
Enhancement: Adjusted Destinations error message to add clarity. - 2018-02-22 - Glenn Ansley
Further modifications to updated cron loopback test. Don't test for cron fire on backups page. Hide cron from list of late crons
Fix bug including temp_dirs from previous BUB attempts in backup zip
Fix bug causing backups to be sent to remote destination even if unchecked after initial check - 2018-02-27 - Glenn Ansley
Further wp-cron loopback test improvements. - Jeremy Trask
Improve Disconnect process from Stash Live
Warn user if Stash Live and Stash Destinations are both activated - 2018-03-07 - Glenn Ansley
Major release of all quick releases since
Fixed Deployment issues including cleanup procedure and file queue.
Fixed Bad Comment Count in backup metadata (removed spam / trash from count)
Enhancement: Moved zip metadata to beginning of zip process to make it play better with certain shared hosting environments.
Fix bug preventing housekeeping of timed-out remote sends after corrupt fileoptions is found
Improve feedback given when wp-cron loopbacks fail. Notify when script is reachable but crons aren't firing
Further modifications to updated cron loopback test. Don't test for cron fire on backups page. Hide cron from list of late crons
Fix bug including temp_dirs from previous BUB attempts in backup zip
Fix bug causing backups to be sent to remote destination even if unchecked after initial check
Further wp-cron loopback test improvements. - Jeremy Trask
Improve Disconnect process from Stash Live
Warn user if Stash Live and Stash Destinations are both activated - 2018-03-19 - Jeremy Trask, Glenn Ansley
Enhancement: BUB Scheduling Overhaul. Only show BUB Schedule Labels on Scheduling page and other fixes - Jeremy Trask.
Enhancement: BUB Integrity Check Overhaul. Prevent false negatives on some Backup Types if cached log is missing. Other fixes. - Glenn Ansley. - 2018-03-19 - Glenn Ansley
Bug Fix: Fix compat issue with PHP 5.4 - 2018-03-19 - Glenn Ansley
Bug Fix: Fix compat issue with PHP 5.4 - 2018-03-26 - Jeremy Trask
Bug Fix: Fix compat issue with PHP 5.3 in scheduling - 2018-04-09 - Jeremy Trask
Bug Fix: Fix bug that doesn't select correct default scheduling period for Stash Live Settings - 2018-02-15 - Glenn Ansley
Fix bug preventing housekeeping of timed-out remote sends after corrupt fileoptions is found
Improve feedback given when wp-cron loopbacks fail. Notify when script is reachable but crons aren't firing - 2018-02-08 - Glenn Ansley
Fixed Deployment issues including cleanup procedure and file queue.
Fixed Bad Comment Count in backup metadata (removed spam / trash from count)
Enhancement: Moved zip metadata to beginning of zip process to make it play better with certain shared hosting environments.
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