Due to a problem with our cache system, when you finish paying, you have to wait a few minutes for the cache system to refresh and automatically record the file data for you.

If the problem is still not resolved, please contact me. I will solve your problem manually.
I use GMT +7 time zone. Please give me maximum 12 hours. Please give me the opportunity to assist you.
Best regards

Download Duplicator Pro

Other Download Duplicator Pro 4.5.0

[NEW]: Import package with URL. Allows server-to-server package transfer - No need to download a package to your desktop machine!
[NEW]: Server-to-server Dropbox import support added
[NEW]: Added a new option that allows you to set a custom path for importable packages
[NEW]: Improved UX when storages associated with schedules are deleted
[NEW]: Added bulk activate and deactivate options for schedules
[NEW]: Manual transfer screen updated to include quick copy links for hashed files
[UPD]: disable S3 storage if any curl_multi_* function is disabled
[FIX]: Not showing the activation notice for plugins which are already activated once
[FIX]: Fixed bug related to the basic auth quick fix notification not being displayed
[FIX]: fixed filter_var bug with PHP versions less than v5.4.8
[FIX]: Validation performed on filters only in case when they are ON
[NEW]: Added validation message notifying the user about having multiple WP installations on the same database
[NEW]: Added support for SSL connections to remote mysql servers
[NEW]: Check if index.html exists on destination site and, if it does, displays a warning in the final report
[UPD]: Reorganized database parameters in advanced mode
[UPD]: Removed non-braking spaces option
[UPD]: In "Backup and Rename Existing Tables" action, if limit of 64 chars in table name is exceeded, made sure that new table name is unique
[NEW]: Added new validation test in 'Classic install' which tests if limit of 64 chars in table name is exceeded by adding prefix
[FIX]: Fixed bug where paths with no write permission are not being displayed
[FIX]: Fixed timeout error that was happening on some hosts when exec command hangs
[FIX]: fixed PROCS, VIEWS and FUNCTIONS creation bug for older versions of PHP
[FIX]: Copy Recovery URL button now works in import installer
-Installer: Amount logged from database operations reduced
-Installer: Empty search/replace strings properly handled
-Installer: WP Bakery plugin can be activated in the event auto-deactivation causes problems for other plugins

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