Due to a problem with our cache system, when you finish paying, you have to wait a few minutes for the cache system to refresh and automatically record the file data for you.

If the problem is still not resolved, please contact me. I will solve your problem manually.
I use GMT +7 time zone. Please give me maximum 12 hours. Please give me the opportunity to assist you.
Best regards

Bimber - Viral Magazine WordPress Theme

Themeforest Bimber - Viral Magazine WordPress Theme 9.1

VERSION 9.1 – major update – 24 May 2021

# NEW - AdsMania demo
# NEW - AdAce plugin: Ad Free module
# NEW - AdAce plugin: New ad slot "Full Screen Vignette"
# NEW - AdAce plugin: New ad slot "Before pagination"
# NEW - AdAce plugin: New ad slot "After pagination"
# NEW - AdAce plugin: Custom Ad, Link field predefined URLs

# Improved - CommentAce plugin: GIPHY attribution as a logo
# Improved - AdAce plugin integration: background color option for the Before the Header Theme Area Slot
# Improved - Mailchimp plugin integration: form submission without reloading

# Fixed - Snax plugin: Broken Audio/Video item upload form
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Referral link edition on the backend
# Fixed - Spacing between category labels
# Fixed - Gutenberg Large Quote: no size change

VERSION 9.0.3 – minor update – 22 April 2021

# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: the Register page has got some rendering glitches
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: outdated translations
# Fixed - BuddyPress Followers Widget: display only one member
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: too few arguments for the comment_text filter
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: default featured image
# Fixed - Snax plugin: media dialog not opening for Link/External Product, when auto-fetching fails
# Fixed - PHP 8.x incompatibilities

VERSION 9.0.2 – minor update – 15 April 2021

# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: v5.2.0 template compatibility
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: cart totals rendering glitch
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: CSS fixes
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: Recent Comments now works on BuddyPress Single Member Profile
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: voting with empty score
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: when guest voting is off, the login popup breaks
# Fixed - Snax plugin: wrong number of all questions when shuffle on
# Fixed - Snax plugin: media dialog not opening for quiz/poll, on the frontend
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction plugin: minor css fix
# Fixed - "Invalid Post Type" error, on the second search try for posts, on the backend
# Fixed - Minor template warnings

VERSION 9.0.1 – minor update – 9 April 2021

# Fixed - Posts widget: sorting by views
# Fixed - BuddyPress Nouveau: CSS fixes
# Fixed - Snax plugin: headers sent
# Fixed - CommentAce plugin: script breaks when guest commenting is off

VERSION 9.0 – major update – 8 April 2021

# NEW - CommentAce plugin
# NEW - Gags demo
# NEW - Taxonomy Filter Widget
# NEW - Random Posts Home Filter
# NEW - Snax plugin: only Upvote option
# NEW - Snax plugin: edit/delete all formats
# NEW - Snax plugin: edit/delete directly from a post (for owners)
# NEW - MediaAce plugin: default featured image
# NEW - WooCommerce plugin integration: Reactions support
# NEW - WooCommerce plugin integration: Voting support
# NEW - BuddyPress plugin integration: navigation between profiles
# NEW - BuddyPress plugin integration: Nouveau Template Pack support
# NEW - G1 Socials plugin: Telegram added
# NEW - WordPress 5.7 compatibility
# NEW - PHP 8.0 compatibility
# NEW - WooCommerce 5.x compatibility
# NEW - BuddyPress 7.x compatibility

# Improved - G1 Socials plugin: support for Instagram media type "Carousel Album"
# Improved - WP Bakery plugin latest version
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version

# Fixed - Unwanted comma between categories
# Fixed - Homepage Featured Entries: some templates don't show call to action buttons
# Fixed - Gutenberg Editor: Image round corners
# Fixed - Gutenberg Editor: table colors
# Fixed - Gutenberg Editor: paragraph colors
# Fixed - Gutenberg Editor: social links block
# Fixed - Gutenberg Editor: buttons block
# Fixed - Home Filters not responsive
# Fixed - Header Builder: RTL issues
# Fixed - Posts widget: tags filtering doesn't work when sorting by views
# Fixed - Posts widget: custom post types that support a selected taxonomy not included
# Fixed - AMP plugin integration: menu label on/off issue
# Fixed - AMP plugin integration: category custom colors
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: Dark Mode issues on the My Account page
# Fixed - Snax plugin integration: dark mode issue with a versus poll teaser widget
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Votes component permalinks
# Fixed - Snax plugin: items detached from a list
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Login Popup broken links "Resend activation link" and "Lost password?"
# Fixed - Snax plugin: snax_item post type archive page disabled
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Browse Files button for items broken on iOS
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: image sizes deactivation
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: meta box warnings
# Fixed - Elementor plugin integration: Bimber Posts widget broken preview for custom post types
# Fixed - Youzer plugin integration: missing posts on Profile page
# Fixed - PHP warnings
# Fixed - PHP deprecated functions

VERSION 8.6.3 – minor update – 21 January 2021

# Improved - Featured Entries support for quizzes and polls
# Improved - AdAce plugin: Date archives support for ad slots
# Improved - Snax plugin: option to hide the info "Browse and Manage your votes"
# Improved - What's Your Reaction plugin: supported post types option added
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version

# Fixed - MediaElement library loaded condition check
# Fixed - GIF player on mobile can't be paused
# Fixed - Snax plugin: History collection broken pagination
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Redirects infinite loop on BP private pages
# Fixed - Snax plugin: do not log activity for guests
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Quiz/Poll activities not logged
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Permalinks structure not applied for BP custom components
# Fixed - G1 Socials plugin: broken links to Documentation

VERSION 8.6.2 – minor update – 23 December 2020

# Improved - WP Bakery plugin latest version

# Fixed - Version 8.6.1 not recognized by auto-updater
# Fixed - Old video (embed) not stripped from post content
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: Shop the Post block for Embed code requires WooCommerce

VERSION 8.6.1 – minor update – 17 December 2020

# Improved - myCRED plugin: points (new hook) for the owner for voting on his post/item
# Improved - AdAce plugin: Sponsors taxonomy support for Quizzes and Polls
# Improved - What's Your Reaction plugin: Reactions taxonomy support for Polls
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version

# Fixed - Video (embed) not stripped from post content
# Fixed - Submenu inside the footer causes scrollbars
# Fixed - Misaligned tagline inside the center column
# Fixed - Ads menu available on Dashboard for Snax Author role
# Fixed - Polls menu available on Dashboard for Snax Author role
# Fixed - WPBakery Page Builder plugin integration: responsive videos
# Fixed - WooCommerce plugin integration: off-canvas doesn't work on a single product page
# Fixed - Mashshare plugin integration: square brackets in post title breaks the share buttons
# Fixed - Restrict Content Pro plugin integration: missing checkboxes
# Fixed - Snax plugin: quiz accessible on a password protected page
# Fixed - Snax plugin: poll accessible on a password protected page
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Browse Files dialog doesn't work for the item submission form, on a list

VERSION 8.6 – major update – 19 November 2020

# NEW - WordPress 5.6 compatibility
# NEW - WooCommerce 4.7 compatibility
# NEW - PHP 7.4 compatibility
# NEW - Facebook and Instagram embeds support
# NEW - Snax plugin: option to define the number of quiz questions per page
# NEW - Snax plugin: preloading iconfonts for better speed
# NEW - G1 Socials plugin: preloading iconfonts for better speed

# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder plugin latest version
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version
# Improved - Youzer plugin latest version
# Improved - Snax plugin: keep the current URL after logging in via social networks
# Improved - Documentation: Facebook Social Login
# Improved - Documentation: Google Social Login
# Improved - Documentation: Instagram Social Login
# Improved - Documentation: LinkedIn Social Login

# Fixed - User Nav: redirect to link if drop content not exists
# Fixed - Post Collection: rendering glitches on mobiles
# Fixed - Newsletter Popup: cover image won't load without lazy loading
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: ad slot groups select not loaded when random type selected
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: default expire header removed
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: cropping doesn't work properly
# Fixed - Snax plugin: broken pagination on BuddyPress profile > Collections
# Fixed - Snax plugin: URL var change resets BuddyPress modules
# Fixed - Snax plugin: incorrect repetition cycle for the ad slot "After X Snax Items"
# Fixed - Snax plugin: item navigation loads on the search results page
# Fixed - Snax plugin: reCaptcha rendered on every login popup opening
# Fixed - Snax plugin: BuddyPress components reset on permalinks save
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Collections pagination base omit type param
# Fixed - What's Your Reaction plugin: BuddyPress components reset on permalinks save
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: Edit Profile page has got the wrong spacing
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: social login buttons rendering glitch
# Fixed - BuddyPress plugin integration: Profile > Settings > Lost Password link broken
# Fixed - Download Monitor plugin integration: download button rendering glitch
# Fixed - myCRED plugin integration: user's points rounded incorrectly in the user nav dropdown

VERSION 8.5.1 – minor update – 8 October 2020

# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder plugin latest version

# Fixed - Masonry template: rendering glitches on Safari
# Fixed - Search field: unified design of the cancel button
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: not published ads still displayed
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: missing translations
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Browse button inactive for hidden forms
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Collection redirects to 404 after clearing items
# Fixed - Off-canvas background image issue with lazy loading
# Fixed - Dark Mode: social icons color issue
# Fixed - Comments backward compatibility

VERSION 8.5 – major update – 24 September 2020

# NEW - Video tutorials
# NEW - Documentation rewritten

# Improved - AdAce plugin: jQuery Migrate warnings
# Improved - Compatibility with menu visibility control plugins like If Menu
# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder plugin latest version
# Improved - Easy Social Share Buttons plugin latest version

# Fixed - Grid post templates: better responsiveness
# Fixed - Snax plugin: misaligned icons on Windows
# Fixed - Snax plugin: Browse button doesn't work on mobile, in tabs
# Fixed - Snax plugin: line break tags are stripped from Froala content
# Fixed - MediaAce plugin: YT related videos option removed as no longer supported by YT
# Fixed - Elementor: multiple categories selection in Bimber Collection widget

VERSION 8.3.6 – minor update – 10 September 2020

# Improved - Elementor 3.x compatibility
# Improved - Snax plugin: quiz / poll setup inherits from single post options
# Improved - Snax plugin: quiz / poll has own single page options, on backend
# Improved - Youzer latest version

# Fixed - RTL: Masonry template has got wrong order
# Fixed - Page Builder integrations: "Index" collection doesn't work
# Fixed - Youzer plugin: login popup
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: ad blocker detected popup

VERSION 8.3.5 – minor update – 2 September 2020

# NEW - G1 Socials plugin: added Twitch social media profile

# Improved - Google Fonts: added font-display property with swap value
# Improved - Google Fonts: added "preconnect" as resource hint
# Improved - Dark Mode Switcher: causes layout shifts in GPSI
# Improved - Youzer latest version

# Fixed - Snax plugin: AMP_QUERY_VAR not defined
# Fixed - Snax plugin: shortcodes/html not allowed for a list item, even if added from backend
# Fixed - Spotify embeds are not responsive

VERSION 8.3.4 – minor update – 27 August 2020

# NEW - WooCommerce: v4.4 templates compatibility

# Improved - Snax plugin: Google branding requirements for social login buttons
# Improved - Snax plugin: allow Instagram embed code without captions
# Improved - WP Bakery Page Builder latest version
# Improved - Youzer latest version

# Fixed - Instagram not loaded via auto load next post (single)
# Fixed - Instagram not loaded via load more (archives)
# Fixed - Gutenberg: custom column widths
# Fixed - Single Post Page: entry-meta responsiveness issues
# Fixed - Archive Template "Stream": responsive twitter embed issue
# Fixed - Youzer plugin integration: user badges are too big

VERSION 8.3.3 – minor update – 14 August 2020

# NEW - WordPress 5.5 compatibility

# Improved - Snax plugin: allow shortcodes for items, on a list
# Improved - Youzer latest version

# Fixed - Comments not visible
# Fixed - AdAce plugin: ad slot toggle handle misplaced, in settings
# Improvement - Cards settings for the search page
# Improvement - Home|Archive Featured Entries better responsiveness
# Improvement - Categories shortcode query args filter added
# Improvement - Hide votes and reactions if post is restricted
# Improvement - Snax: Edit post link added on posts list (backend)

# Fixed - MediaAce: gallery share buttons are missing on mobiles
# Fixed - Snax: reply on comment doesn't work on a single Snax Item page
# Fixed - Snax: Missing menu on snax collection archive
# Fixed - Snax: items are not visible on AMP
# Fixed - Sidebar is not responsive on some post templates
# Fixed - Misaligned "Classis without Sidebar" post template
# Fixed - Mega Menu causes horizontal scroll on some screen resolutions
# Fixed - Translations (e.g myCRED levels)
# Fixed - Inactive formats are available in BuddyPress profile posts filter
# Fixed - PHP notices and warnings

About us

  • Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best.

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