Due to a problem with our cache system, when you finish paying, you have to wait a few minutes for the cache system to refresh and automatically record the file data for you.

If the problem is still not resolved, please contact me. I will solve your problem manually.
I use GMT +7 time zone. Please give me maximum 12 hours. Please give me the opportunity to assist you.
Best regards

Basel - Responsive eCommerce Theme

Themeforest Basel - Responsive eCommerce Theme 5.3.0

20-07-2020 - Update version 5.3.0
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Stock status widget
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Product quantity in mini cart widget
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Limit swatches on grid
ADDED: Change portfolio category URL slug option
ADDED: Change portfolio project URL slug option
ADDED: Exclude categories from page title option
ADDED: Hide empty categories from page title option
ADDED: Message to review form if image upload enabled but user not login
ADDED: AJAX Products tabs JS callback after loaded
ADDED: WooCommerce 4.3.0 compatibility
ADDED: Supports custom fields to slider post type
FIXED: Grid switcher on shop page
FIXED: WhatsApp share link
FIXED: Instagram error
FIXED: PHP 7.4 errors
FIXED: Single product JS error
FIXED: Swatches select issue
FIXED: Product price filter after import missing
FIXED: Product element two columns issue
FIXED: Wine version dummy import
FIXED: Size guide button in IE11
FIXED: Contact Form 7 5.2 styles
FIXED: Product page "Compact" in old Safari browsers
FIXED: Gradient titles element styles in Safari browser
FIXED: Mailchimp form icons
FIXED: YITH Wishlist plugin "Add to wishlist" button loader
REMOVED: Redux Framework backward compatibility
UPDATED: XTemos Post Types plugin 1.13
UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.17
UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.2.0
UPDATED: Translations POT files

24-02-2020 - Update version 5.2.0
ADDED: WooCommerce 3.9 compatibility
ADDED: Autoplay speed option to Basel slider
ADDED: Multiple select category to Basel layered nav widget
ADDED: Font Awesome 5 support
ADDED: Slider Revolution inherit font option
ADDED: Content full width option to Basel slider
FIXED: Product filter price element with WPML
FIXED: Alt attribute on avatar image
FIXED: Product filters categories order by
FIXED: Swatches single product tooltip
FIXED: SVG cache issue
FIXED: Filters link with WPML
FIXED: Justified Gallery styles
FIXED: Product variation gallery data translate with WPML
FIXED: RSS with lazy loading
FIXED: Basel class autoload
FIXED: Share button VK
FIXED: 404 page sidebar button on mobile
FIXED: Login sidebar opener on mobile
FIXED: Wishlist with out of stock products
FIXED: Owl carousel click issue on single product
FIXED: Synchronize quantity on shop page and on sticky add to cart
FIXED: Theme settings text issues
FIXED: Titles typography options error
FIXED: 404 page on mobile
UPDATED: XTemos Post Types plugin 1.12
UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.8
UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.1
UPDATED: Translations POT files

09-12-2019 - Update version 5.1.0
ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Upload images to product reviews
ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Custom thank you page
ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Hide a higher price for variable products
ADDED: New Instagram API
ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Header category element – more categories button
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Display results from blog in search option
ADDED: Fix for a better compatibility with Google Tag Manager for WordPress plugin
ADDED: Notices color options
ADDED: Project title in page heading option
ADDED: Blog element order by list of IDs
ADDED: Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha (v2 & v3) plugin compatibility
FIXED: Single product reviews tab issue
FIXED: Attribute order in compare
FIXED: Shop categories in page title order
FIXED: Incorrect display of characters in AJAX search
FIXED: WhatsApp share link
FIXED: Product page accordion with Lazy load issue
FIXED: Price filter in product filters element with WPML
FIXED: Odnoklassniki share button
FIXED: Wishlist issue with long products id
FIXED: Google map issue
FIXED: Countdown timer styles on product page
FIXED: Wishlist unnecessary product issue
FIXED: Single product image zoom
FIXED: Brands title image on single product
FIXED: Size guide select for single product
FIXED: Layered nav widget cache issue
FIXED: Select2 JS error
FIXED: AJAX search with category select
UPDATED: WPML config file
UPDATED: XTemos Post Types plugin 1.11
UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.5
UPDATED: Translations POT files

24-09-2019 - Update version 5.0.0

In this major update we have developed our own Theme Settings panel
and now two heavy plugins can be uninstalled: Redux Framework and CMB2.
Also, with our new built-in wishlist, twitter and recent post features you can remove
YITH Wishlist, Simple Twitter Tweets, and Recent Post Widget as well. Reducing the number of plugins on your website will lead to better performance.
Please, read the MIGRATION INSTRUCTION before the update here https://xtemos.com/docs/basel/faq-guides-2/4-x-5-0-migration-guide/.

ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Basel Wishlist
ADDED: Basel Recent Posts Widget
ADDED: Basel Twitter widget
ADDED: Header banner shortcode translation to WPML
ADDED: Compare button to sticky add to cart
ADDED: Remove duplicate price for a variable product option
ADDED: Google map lazy loading option
ADDED: Font display option for icons fonts
ADDED: Font display option for Google fonts
ADDED: Disable Font Awesome option
ADDED: Use Relevanssi for AJAX search option
ADDED: Disable Gutenberg styles option
ADDED: Product filters category "Category order" option
ADDED: Google font "Krub"
ADDED: Getting pictures from Instagram with API
ADDED: Show SKU on AJAX results option
IMPROVED: AJAX search now starting from third symbol
REMOVED: Redux Framework plugin
REMOVED: CMB2 plugin
REMOVED: YITH Wishlist plugin
REMOVED: Recent Posts Widget Extended plugin
REMOVED: Simple Twitter Tweets plugin
FIXED: AJAX filters on single product page issue
FIXED: PayPal express checkout in mini cart
FIXED: Instagram URL now with WWW
FIXED: Login and Register form redirect
FIXED: Sticky toolbar lazy load
FIXED: Sticky toolbar translate
FIXED: List element on post pages
FIXED: Odnoklassniki share button
FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
FIXED: Countdown timer for variable product added cache
FIXED: Shop page breaks after PJAX with some server and PHP settings
FIXED: Empty cart message issue
FIXED: HTML block max count in menu select
FIXED: Quantity input issue
FIXED: Instagram added "/" to link
FIXED: Compare brand image with lazy-loading
FIXED: Clear all filters button with price filter widget
FIXED: Lazy loading error 404 with base64 option
FIXED: Single product tabs with comment pagination issue
FIXED: Bootstrap classes on product grid
FIXED: YITH Add to quote double button on single product
FIXED: Compare page on IE 11
UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.10
UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.2
UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.0.5
UPDATED: Translations POT files

11-07-2019 - Update version 4.8.1

FIXED: Import issue
FIXED: Variation gallery JS error
UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.0.2
UPDATED: Translations POT files

11-06-2019 - Update version 4.8

ADDED: Custom buttons to sticky navbar
ADDED: Lazy loading offset option
ADDED: Hide cart widget automatically after add to cart action
ADDED: Additional variation images on Quick view
FIXED: Size guide empty meta data
FIXED: Total stock quantity empty meta data
FIXED: Offcanvas sticky button
FIXED: Portfolio grid title tag
FIXED: Cart widget product name
FIXED: WPBakery animation issue
FIXED: Lazy load for brand element
FIXED: Product filters form submit issue
FIXED: Zoom on single product page gallery
FIXED: Scroll to top after swatch select glich
FIXED: Portfolio filters with lazy loading
FIXED: basel_sticky_sidebar_button function cache issue
FIXED: Product attributes extra option saving issue
FIXED: Removed excerpt from portfolio grid
FIXED: Extra menu list label transalations
FIXED: AJAX Search for all post types
UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.0.3
UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.9
UPDATED: Translations POT files
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Mobile bottom navbar
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Collapse footer widgets on mobile
ADDED: Category option to BASEL WooCommerce Layered Nav widget
ADDED: Scroll top on variation select option for desktop and mobile
ADDED: LinkedIn share button
ADDED: New product review star rating style
ADDED: Option to change login and register title on my account page
ADDED: Option to change browser color on Android
ADDED: Support WooCommerce 3.6 meta lookup table
ADDED: Top Rated Products filter to product element
ADDED: Product attributes thumbnail preview in dashboard
ADDED: Alternative social login buttons style
FIXED: Active category color on a dark color scheme
FIXED: Brands links for archives
FIXED: Images gallery element PHP error
FIXED: Slider sliding speed filters
FIXED: JS error with scroll to comments
FIXED: PHP notice in the lazy load function
FIXED: Compare page with catalog mode option
FIXED: Variation gallery PHP notice
FIXED: PHP notice in shop view buttons
FIXED: Product popup issue
FIXED: Brand image on single product attributes
FIXED: WPML Empty compare text
FIXED: Google Map init
FIXED: Broken link after AJAX
FIXED: Widget layered nav filters title
FIXED: Login and register text
UPDATED: XTEMOS Post Types plugin 1.8
UPDATED: Translations POT files
UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin
REMOVED: Google+ share and social link

27-02-2019 - Update version 4.6.1

ADDED: Combine JS files option
FIXED: Code problems according to new Envato coding requirements
22-02-2018 - Update version 4.6

ADDED: Product grid swatches cache
ADDED: Single product sold out label
ADDED: Allow SVG uploads option
ADDED: Timeline link options
ADDED: Categories element autoplay option
ADDED: Attribute nofollow to social buttons
ADDED: Show empty ranges option to price filter widget
ADDED: Recommended plugin Safe SVG
FIXED: WooCommerce 3.5.5 compatibility
FIXED: Images gallery zoom image size
FIXED: Categories with masonry and lazy loading options height issue
FIXED: One page menu navigation
FIXED: JS error in dashboard
FIXED: WooCommerce email images with Lazy loading
FIXED: Product grid on mobile
FIXED: Select2 in Layered navigation widget
FIXED: Progress bar issue with numbers
FIXED: Additional variation gallery not saving images issue
FIXED: Additional variation gallery with quick view issue
FIXED: SVG with gradient issue
FIXED: Mobile Firefox issue with variable product label
FIXED: Search categories title attribute issue
FIXED: Instagram error
FIXED: Compare empty fields
FIXED: Compare count with multisite
FIXED: Products element with WPML transalated products
FIXED: Theme settings link if user not admin
FIXED: Lazy loading image attribute conflict
FIXED: Register link action
FIXED: Out of stock variables visibility issue
FIXED: Lazy loading with Dokan dashboard
FIXED: Whatsapp share link
FIXED: Additional tab line-height
FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
FIXED: PHP warnings
FIXED: JS console errors
UPDATED: Post types plugin 1.7
UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.7
UPDATED: Translations POT files

07-12-2018 - Update version 4.5

ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Basel Compare (YITH plugin is no longer required)
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Additional variation gallery for products
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Product title limit
ADDED: NEW FEATURE - Product stock progress bar
ADDED: Basel Slider background image for tablet and mobile option
ADDED: Countdown for variable product option
ADDED: WooCommerce orderby select with AJAX
ADDED: One page menu navigation works with row and section
ADDED: Attribute nofollow to price filter
ADDED: Product column on mobile devices
FIXED: WooCommerce 3.5.2 compatibility
FIXED: Video element poster issue
FIXED: Product Quick View in popup
FIXED: Blog masonry date position
FIXED: Breadcrumbs with off canvas sidebar
FIXED: IE star rating issue
FIXED: Lazy loading avatar image
FIXED: Undefined title on product images
FIXED: PHP warnings
FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.6
UPDATED: Translations POT files

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  • Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best.

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